💡 How to Calibrate the SoC on Your BLUETTI Gear

Having trouble with inaccurate battery levels on your BLUETTI devices? :thinking:

This video guides you through recalibrating the State of Charge (SoC) for precise readings. Using the AC200L as an example, we’ll show you how to resolve these issues and get your devices back on track. Watch now for a quick and easy fix! :movie_camera::battery:


Great video and really simple explained. This issue happend atleast one time per user. So its really great, to now have a video instruction for that. Thanks for sharing!


AC200P that suddenly went from working normally to holding only about 20% of capacity

I’ve tried this procedure multiple times without positive results. After charging to 100% and sitting overnight (cool down) it would power up showing 100%, but when discharging would get to 62% then immediately drop to 0%. Trying again, after charging to 100%, it would power up showing only 20-something percent, this morning only 13%.

Is there a way I can update the firmware on my AC200P?

For warranty on my AC200P and they asked me to ship it to “KAYO” in Plano TX at my own expense, no shipping label or packing instructions, and stated that if it’s damaged in shipping it will void the warranty.

FedEx said that they cannot package it or accept it from me because of the size of the battery has liability risks and falls under 49CFR. They referred me to a qualified 49CFR hazmat shipper, and the cost will be $440 for packing and shipping.

Can you help? Thanks

Yes, this situation can only be returned for repair. You can specifically contact the support team to see if you can switch to another carrier. The AC200P does not support connectint to app for firmware upgrades.

We have often read from support that it is important to let the device rest for a few hours after charging so that the voltage of the cells can equalize. Nothing about that can be seen in the video???

Thanks for the suggestion, I have fedback to the video team for subsequent evaluation.

Perfect - Thank you

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49CFR applies to all carriers, not just FedEx. Support did not offer any shipping advice or solutions, but did offer to ship me a refurbished AC200P without returning mine on Oct 17:

" We have some renew ac200p in stock
how about we ship you renew ac200p for trying, don’t return the defect ac200p this moment
if you think it is good,pls send me your full address and phone number
Best Regards"

I replied with my address and phone number, but haven’t heard anything back since. I called service on 10-29-2024 who followed-up with an email to Maxoak, but haven’t heard anything. I’m still waiting on a reply. Please assist me in getting a response if you can. Thanks.

Hi @johnmiller, Have you also been in contact with us on Facebook?
We have already reported this issue to the Maxoak seller, and they are working on a solution. They will contact you today.

@BLUETTI Is this the case that it needs to rest for a few hours after charging?
If so, how many is a few? Like 2, or more like 10?

Hi, I have a Bluetti AC70, we only have solar to charge it from, would it work recalibrating it by recharging it back up to full over a couple of days? Thanks

A state of chemical equilibrium can be achieved by standing by, which is recommended to be 2 hours. However, it should be noted that resting is not necessary.

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AC wall charging is recommended when calibrating the machine, as solar is not constant and stable.

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Thank you, that’s good to know