Low grid voltage error on AC180P

Hello. I constantly get low grid voltage error even when voltage is around 190+ volts (even in Silent mode and Grid Self-adaptation on).

When I have this error device doesn’t charge itself and pass-through function stops working so my appliances are powered by the power station even when I have power in the grid. This is very inconvenient!

I have 2 questions:

  1. Is it possible to lower minimal charging voltage?
  2. Is it possible to make pass-through function work when there is low voltage in the grid and the station cannot charge itself?

If your grid nominal voltage is 230 volt and you get around 190 volt at the plug it means you have serious power distribution issues and you should seriously look at them first instead of finding a way for your device to work with such a low voltage which falls below the minimum accepted voltage range.
Your device is safely disconnecting itself from the grid and you can’t force it to ignore safety, the only way to fix this problem is to look into why you don’t have a rated voltage on the outlet.

Well, I know the reason behind this. I don’t have a rated voltage on the outlet because fu*****g Russians destroyed nearly half of the power plants in my country so I’m not sure if I can do anything with it… I have electricity for like 12 hours and half of that time it’s 190 volts so I’d like to have an opportunity to charge my device during those precious hours or at least be able to power my appliances without discharging my power station. I can understand why they would not let me to charge the station with 190 volts but I don’t understand why my station doesn’t allow power to go directly to my appliances.

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Yes, I agree with @ndwr 's opinion. The normal input voltage should be 230V, but the actual input is only 190V. As a result, the AC180P reports an error and cannot charge or bypass load. We will report this to the R&D department and ask if they can create a new DSP firmware to solve this issue.
Hi @Kvano , could you provide us with your SN and the current DSP version? We will try to resolve the problem.

Sure! I’d really appreciate it.

SN: AC180P2335001641541
DSP: v2088.04
ARM: v2089.02
BMS: v1039.01

Hello i have the same problem. If possible, reduce the threshold of the minimum voltage required to charge the device. Thanks.
ARM: v2089.02
DSP: v2088.02
BMS: v1039.01

Hi, You can try to use a voltage stabilizer on input

It will require a rather expensive and a big one so it can handle up to 1.8k load.

Yes, smth like Gemix GDX-2000