Hello everyone!
today i need your help. I want to start this thread as a starting point for the following topic:
I want a official MQTT/HomeAssistant/HomeAutomation integration for Bluetti products because…
Feel free to share your ideas, if there is a comment with the same thing you would write, just like it.
Depending of the success of this post, bluetti would consider to actual add things like that, when enough demand is for such a feature.
Its in your hands!
The tech team is aware of our forum users’ interest in MQTT/HomeAssistant integration.
However, if you could provide your BLUETTI model and detailed ideas on how you’d like MQTT/HomeAssistant compatibility to work, feel free to comment here as much as possible.
I have been using an ESP32 for over a year to get the information (I have found out so far) via the bluetooth communication of the EP600.
Since BLUETTI is very secretive about this, it sometimes takes several hours of searching before a value can be read/written…
I am primarily interested in statistical values of the EP600, such as SOC, PV input, consumption, …). I save these values in a local DB, can analyse them graphically and also use them as a decision for some (currently still minimal) controls.
In winter, for example, I use the SOC value to switch off the EP600 when
a) there is no more sunshine and I already need grid power as I am below SOC-low,
b) the sun is shining again, I switch the EP600 on again
This allows me to reduce the ‘self-consumption’ of the EP600, which I would otherwise have to recharge from the purchased mains power.
Sure! For the models in general, i wouldnt say a specific unit. It should be generally available for all units, priotize bigger units or Home Storage would be a good way, since this would be the devices that mostly benefit from Home Automation.
The Basic idea behind the whole MQTT/HomeAssistant Integration is, to be free in control my unit. When i want to change any values for my powerstation, i need to do it on a display or within the Bluetti App manually. However, a really big count of us want to use the powerstations in certain automation routines or just want all our devices, including third party devices, in one App.
What i see until now in the community, its basicly the App functionality/options usable over MQTT. Examples: Switching working mode, turn on/off certain outlets, Monitoring input, outputs, battery voltage etc.
I know, that this could be a lot of work for the devs in the first place, but i think the postive effects of implementing something like this a far more than the extra work that needs to be done.
Imagine what things didnt need to be implemented into the Bluetti App, when just using available tools for people that have this kind of requirements.
To make things even easier, bluetti dont even need to devolope a new application. There are already a few community add ons, that could be pleased with a pull request from the dev team to support even more units.
And lets face it, this isnt a feature that is something really difficult and “never seen” among powerstations. Most of the brands offer some kind of open API, most of them uses MQTT due its easy handling.
Hope that gives you some ideas, what we want. If there are any questions, dont hesitate to ask.
@SigiKa Thanks for answer to this thread! Its really helpful.
I’m using an AC500+B300s with an open source integration in HomeAssistant. It could be an example for a offical Bluetti integration, I think.
In HomeAssistant, you can install the integration in the Add-on dialog
Click Add-on Store
Select Menu → Repositories
Add the following adress as Repository
The Add-on connects to the AC500 via Bluetooth, you need to know the Bluetooth address.
I use the Add-on e.g. to switch AC-Output off, wenn SOC is lower than 10%. It works perfectly.
Thanks @southside for your contribution! Yes, the plugin support certain units, but by far not all. In my opinion, it would be great when bluetti would add some new units to this project.
Thanks Erik for posting this request.
Some sort of REST API access to my EP500, AC200L and AC200MAX units, in order to obtain current SOC in real time, would be very useful to prioritize charging each morning via AC grid when my rooftop solar starts supplying the house.
I already have smart API power switches and access to a Solar Analysis API cloud app that supplies household consumption and solar production in real time. This information is fed into a database which turns off or on the API power switches as appropriate to prevent any use of External Grid power for battery charging.
The missing link in the above setup is on thick cloud days to ensure each battery unit has enough SOC at the end of the day to power it’s attached household appliances overnight and into the next morning. Without timely SOC information from each of the Bluetti units, that requires manual intervention at such times.
I’m running an EP500Pro with the Bluetti Integration mentioned before. I recently bought an Ep2000 and it’s running fantastic, nice device for sure!
The EP2000 is not supported by now. Some help from the bluetti guys to help set this up would be great.
Currently I’m planning to switch to GitHub - Patrick762/hassio-bluetti-bt: Bluetti Integration for Home Assistant because it seems to be updated more frequently, but the EP2000 is not supported by now and I’m not good enough with programming to do this on my own. First of all a list of the modbus registers and its meanings would be very helpful.
On the other hand, my wish would be a direct mqtt support where I could add my own IP of my mqtt server with user and password and it would directly connect without ever being connected to the internet.
As the EP2000 has the external EMS Controller with some communication ports open it would be a nice feature to use one of the free ports for a modbus connection to Home Assistant. I guess most users won’t add a second or even a third EP2000 to those connectors.
A Demo Modbus Configuration yaml for that would be very helpful.
I think a good running and supported integration into something like home assistant, mqtt or IOBroker is a must have in an enthusiast field you’re currently selling your devices to.
Hi @Barf
Thanks for this valuable contribution to this Post! Someone on github already told me that the modbus configuration for each device would be really helpful. So its on my list
For safety and security reasons in my view it would be OK to have the data in read only, so no switching or changing anything. Maby eit could be configurable via the devices itself.
I would only need the data, if I have to change something I can go to the device and do it there. But that’s only for me.
I think for varios automation processes, it is kinda important to have a read/write api. But this is just my opinion. Thanks for adding yours :)
Some of the same facilities I have on my wired in and home built kit really
- Read the current state of all the basic values (state of charge, solar in, grid in etc)
- Turn outputs on and off, set the mode, set the charge rate
That lets you run things like predbat which can manage charging strategies based upon the weather and learned usage patterns plus (for kit where it is relevant discharging to grid based on differential pricing).