Bluetti Eb3a Firmware

I didn’t get firmware update for my EB3A device.

Hi, I have a problem. My bluetti EB3A doesn’t work with PV 120 solar panel. Firmware is at 2052.07 and no update is available. I want to update my station to latest version
My serial is EB3A2245000957056

I will push a firmware for you. But it may not solve your problem. For PV charging, we still suggest the solar panel should be under the full sunshine.

I will push a firmware for you in 12 hrs. Please make sure the solar panel is under the full sunshine.

I will push a firmware for you in 12 hrs. Please try to update the firmware to see if the problem can be resolved.

Thanks, updating to the latest version fixed this problem, now my station is charging from the solar panels

Thanks for your update.

@BLUETTI_CARE Hi, my EB3A also refuses to start charging with PV120 solar panel even though I can measure 22V output from it. Is there a FW update that might help?

SN: EB3A2329000029371
Current FW:
ARM v2063.02
DSP v2052.10


My Solar Panel can’t still charge my EB3A unit. Can you push a new firmware to solve it?

How can I solve this?

Thank you.

@branos Please update the firmware to 2063.03 to test.

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please provide me firmware update for

currently it use not the last version FW, so I have sn issue with spontaneous power interruption in UPS mode

Please update the firmware to test.

Hi Bluetti. Could you please solve my issue? All functions works fine however during cloudy weather my PV panel (110W) cant start charge the EB3A. Only PV input is blinking on the device screen. What is the threshold of the input power? I have measured and PV panel in that condition has 20.6V. Do you have any idea? In sunny condition this PV panel can feed about 75W of energy.
My ARM is v2053.07 and DSP is v2052.09
Serial is EB3A2308003030167

@Glabro In addition to input voltage, input current is also an important factor. If the sunlight conditions are too poor, the solar panel has almost no current input to the machine, and it will not charge the machine.

I know. Could you please share what is the current and voltage treshold? As it is impossible to charge EB3A by 110W panel during normal wheather in Poland (not fully sunny). The issue is with the start charging. If I tilt the panel intentionally during sunny condition I can even see under 10W of PV input but if the light is ambient cause by the clouds, charging of EB3A cant start charging even PV panel should provide about 15-20W.

I know what the problem is. The EB3A device tries to find the maximum power of the PV panel (e.g. supplying 18v) starting from some previously defined current value, for example 1A (so it means 18W of load). Then, this current value is increased step by step until the power (voltage multiplied by current) begins to decrease. Everything would be ok, except the situation when the panel works in poor conditions and let’s say it can only deliver 10W. Then loading the 18V panel with a current of 1A causes the voltage to start dropping to 10V (10V x 1A =10W). The problem is that EB3A supports voltages above 12V, so the panel will not start and EB3A cut off PV input and the loop tries it again. EB3A should start working from 0.2-0.3A, then it would be possible to start even when the panel provides 5W of power.
Dear Bluetti, can you confirm my feeling and understanding of the problem? Could you fix this issue?
It is not true that if sunlight condition is poor (20% of full sunlight during cloudly day) the PV current is almost 0. Current is propotional to sunlight power while voltage has similar level. Take a look at below voltage/current characteristic where green line is example of poor condition. It is only example of 330W panel with 42Voc which is not allowed to connect with EB3A but the characteristic looks analogically.

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Hello Bluetti support. I’ve many trouble using ups function with my quite new EB3A. Randomly AC output switch off, can hear the relais, for less than a second. So the pc connected resets.
My firmware is old, but no update button in app.
Can you help me?
SN: EB3A2252000680883
ARM: v2053.07
DSP: v2052,07

@anfarol The firmware will be pushed in 12 hours. Looking forward to your update.

@Glabro Yes. What you mentioned is right. Currently, we can’t solve the problem of charging when the weather is bad (that is when the power generation is very low).

For me the “fix” was/is to uses a Panel with 425W and 32V.
I uses s string of 10A diodes to Clamp the VOC to about 29V (my EB3A accepts 30V before over voltage warning.)

Under load the voltage drops even further.