AC180P turns off randomly

Hello, I have the same issue. Could you please send me a new firmware with the fix? Thank you

SN: AC180P2344003104062
ARM: v2089.02
DSP: v2088.02
BMS v1039.01


Hello, I have the same issue. Could you please send me a new firmware with the fix? Thank you

SN: AC180P2335001504582
ARM: v2089.02
DSP: v2088.02
BMS v1039.01


Привіт така сама біда, як і у людей підкинь нову прошу будь-ласка
ARM v2089.02
DSP v2088.02
BMS v1039.01

I have the same problem: it randomly turns off when the grid disconnects in UPS mode. Please push the new firmware. SN:AC180P2344000507943
ARM :v2089,02
DSP: v2088,02
BMS: v1039,01

@BLUETTI_CARE same thing here, turns off in ups mode + loud fan even with no load


Hello! Please send me a a new firmware. Bluetti turns off randomly. Here are the details:
ARM v2089,02
DSP v2088,02
BMS v1039,01

Please send a firmware update to my device. I have the same problem with my AC180P (turns off randomly). Thank you!


HI @TET , We have pushed the new DSP to your AC60P, but we found that you didn’t log in to the Bluetti app, but only connected it via Bluetooth. Please log in to your account and you can find the new firmware. Please note that the DSP version of the AC60P is different from the AC180P, your new DSP version is v2090,03.

Так вимкнений, він сам по собі вимикається як тільки зарядиться на 100%

Доброго дня ще раз! Напруга стабільна, 4 генератори пробували різних потужностей від 2КВт до 3.5КВа працює так само, а на рахунок режиму Grid Enhancement, то пробував з ним і без нього, змін немає!

I constantly get an error when charging the device E114 - Alarm
Grid Voltage Low! Although the mains voltage is normal! And the device accordingly does not charge :sob: when I turn on the “Grid Self-adaption” mode, it doesn’t solve my problem :cry: What is the solution for this?


ARM v2089.02

DSP v2088.02

BMS v1039.01

I’m really looking forward to the solution to my problem🙏🏻

Hi, my acp180p shutdowns in ups mode too

ARM V2089.03
DSP V2088.02
BMS V1039.01
I would appreciate to receive new firmware update

Hello. Same problem here. Can you please push new firmware version to me?
ARM v2089,02
DSP v2088,02
BMS v1039,01

Same issue here. Can I please have the updated firmware? Thanks.
BMS v1039.01
ARM v2089.02
DSP v2088.02

@BLUETTI_CARE Thank you, got the update, now the station does not turn off when the power goes out

But today I noticed the following thing - the station was charging from the network, and 2 refrigerators of 100 watts each were connected to it, and in the interval of battery charge from 93 to 100%, charging of the station from the network stopped several times lasting 2-3 seconds (a “click” was heard ") and after that the station resumed the charging process again

Is this normal?
Previously on the old firmware, I did not notice a short-term stoppage of charging, as today after the update

Thank you

I have the same problem
BMS v1039.01
ARM v2089.02
DSP v2088.02

please, send me update

I have the same problem. When at 100% battery the station shut downs by itself after some time
@BLUETTI_CARE Could you please also push this firmware to me?
ARM 2089.02
DSP 2088.02
BMS 1039.01

I have the same problem my Bluetti AC180P.
When at 100% battery the station shut downs by itself after some time.
Please send me the updated firmware.
ARM v2089.02
DSP v2088. 02
BMS v1039.01

Доброго дня, недавно купив AC180P працює як UPS (серійний номер AC180P2332001200593, ARM v2089,02, DSP v2088,02-v2088.04, BMS v1039.01). Через кілька годин (приблизно 4) він просто повністю вимикається. Режим AC-ECO вимкнено. Чи можу я отримати нову мікропрограму. І дайте інструкцію як її через додаток завантажити.

Hello @BLUETTI_CARE . Can my AC180P get an update too?
ARM: v2089,02
DSP: v2088,02
BMS: v1039,01

Thank you in advance!