AC180P turns off randomly

AC180P turns off in UPS mode, when battery charge drops from 100% to 99%.
Also turns off in UPS mode while switching from grid to battery, in the moment grid turned off. Can you, please, send new update to my device?

ARM: v2089.02
DSP: v2088.02
BMS: v.1039.01

Thank you :)

AC180P turns off in UPS mode. Could you please share the updated firmware on my device? Thanks in advance!
ARM: v2089.02
DSP: v2088.02
BMS: v1039.01

Hello, I faced rhe same problem. My ststion info:
Product number: AC180P2348000983171
ARM: V2089.02
DSP: V2088.02
BMS: V1039.01

Will be appreciate your help with receiving an firmware update from you.

Hello @BLUETTI_CARE. Same problem here. Can you please push new firmware version to me?
ARM: v2089.02
DSP: v2088.02
BMS: v1039.01

Exactly the same problem here.
Shutdown occurs only at 100% SoC but sometimes it is seemingly at random, without grid power loss.
Setting sleep timer to never does not resolve the problem. ECO mode is off. No alert/error messages are provided through the app.
Will be appreciate your help with receiving an firmware update from you. Thanks a lot.

Hello, I have the same issue. Could you please send me a new firmware with the fix? Thank you

SN: AC180P2349001537933
ARM: v2089.02
DSP: v2088.02
BMS v1039.01


The same problem when working in UPS mode. Please send me the new firmware for my device:
ARM: 2089.02
DSP: 2088.02
BMS: 1039.01

The same problem when working in UPS mode. Please send me the new firmware for my device:
ARM: 2089.02
DSP: 2088.02
BMS: 1039.01


Привіт. Виникли проблеми із пристроєм ЕВ3А, пристрій можливо увімкнути тільки тоді, коли від підключення до мережі електропостачання.
Якщо пристрій не має живлення від електромережі, він не реагує на натискання жодної клавіші. Та не вмикається.

Це відбувається навіть при заряді на 100%.

А як ви використовуєте використання вмикати пристрій по виникненню саме в час електроенергії.

I started to encounter the issue with AC180P turning off completely when grid disappears.
Will wait for new firmware mass rollout.

Besides this I encountered fan issue described previously several times already.
The scenario is as the following:
I find my station with fan running high speed at low load (~150W) for prolonged time when not connected to grid.
In the beginning of period when fan started rotating high speed I can sense warm air from outlet, in several minutes out blown air becomes same temperature as room air (~26 deg. C), however fan speed is not getting low.
Then I connect AC input of station for few seconds to another power station (effectively I activate grid)
After connecting grid fan goes to low speed in few seconds and stays at low speed when I disconnect grid again.

This looks like fan speed regulating circuit/algorithm senses internal temperature raising, increases fan speed, but does not trigger fan speed decrease when temperature decreases. (May be fan speed regulation hysteresis requires tuning)

At the same time fan speed regulation behaves absolutely adequately when I connect high load (~700W) temporarily at AC out: when I connect high load, fan goes high speed, and when I disconnect high load in few minutes, fan goes low immediately.

Could you please advise ?

Device’s SN is 2349000244433


p.s. I have put fan issue description into existing AC180P fan theme.

Let me please add:

As it was mentioned in other reports related to UPS operation I can see
E090 historical error when checking via front display.

Hi, For some reason my newly bought device have the same issue: “With full charged battery and losing power from the grid, the station shut-downs by itself”
Could you please push new firmware for me too? Thanks

Model: AC180P
SN: 2335001517721
ARM: v2089.02
DSP: v2088.02
BMS: v1039.01

I have the same issue. Send me please update the firmware on my AC180P for stable operation.
ARM v2089.02
DSP v2088.02
BMS v1039.01
Thank you

Please send a firmware update to my device. I have the same problem with my AC180P (turns off randomly). Thank you!
Model: AC180P
SN: 2344004048435
ARM: v2089.02
DSP: v2088.02
BMS: 1039.01

I have the same problem. Please provide me with updated firmware
ARM v2089.02
DSP v2088.02
BMS v1039.01

AC-ECO режим в додатку вимкнений?

Hi @RomanHoyanyuk , чи можете ви усунути проблему відповідно до процедури?
Будь ласка, підключіть EB3A до мережі змінного струму для заряджання, коли EB3A увімкнено, тоді, будь ласка, увімкніть змінний і постійний струм EB3A. Через 30 хвилин до 1 години EB3A впаде зі 100% до 99% через самоспоживання. Після того, як SOC EB3A впаде до 99%, від’єднайте зарядний кабель EB3A від домашньої мережі, щоб перевірити, чи можна нормально ввімкнути EB3A. Якщо так, зарядіть EB3A знову.
Сподіваюся, це допоможе вирішити проблему. Якщо вам потрібна додаткова допомога, зв’яжіться з нашою командою обслуговування клієнтів у будь-який час.

Hi RomanHoyanyuk, Can you remedy the trouble according to the procedure?
Please plug the EB3A into the AC grid to be charged, when the EB3A is turned on, then please turn on the AC and DC of the EB3A. After 30 minutes to 1 hour, the EB3A will drop from 100% to 99% due to self-consumption. After the SOC of EB3A drops to 99%, please unplug the AC charging cable of EB3A from the home grid to see if the EB3A can be turned on normally. If so please AC charge the EB3A again.
I hope this helps resolve the issue. If you need further assistance, please feel free to contact our customer service team at any time.

Hi @VSM , I have reported this problem to our engineer, I hope they will find a solution, I will contact you when we get an answer.

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Hello everyone, for customers above who have already provided the SN code and DSP version, I have requested the new DSP v2088.04 to be pushed. This will be completed within 24 hours. Please check if you received the new DSP v2088.04 in your Bluetti APP, upgrade the firmware, and test if the issue of the AC180 is resolved. Please do not load any device when upgrading it.

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Hi @Ryslanline , Я підозрюю, що проблема може виникнути через нестабільну вхідну напругу від генератора. Не могли б ви спробувати ввімкнути режим Grid Enhancement? Це може вирішити проблему. Будь ласка, дайте нам знати, чи це працює.

I suspect the issue might be due to the unstable input voltage from the generator. Could you try enabling the Grid Enhancement mode? This might resolve the problem. Please let us know if it works.

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