AC180P turns off randomly

Hello. Please send the DSP v2088.04 update. Please send it as soon as possible, I really need to solve the problem of the charging station shutdown in UPS mode. In the previous post, the last digit in the serial number was missing. Below is the correct data:

SN: AC180P2335000700365
ARM: v2089.02
DSP: v2088.02
BMS: v1039.01

Hello @BLUETTI_CARE. Same problem here. Can you please push new firmware version to me?
ARM: v2089.02
DSP: v2088.02
BMS: v1039.01

I have the same issue with my bluetti ac180p, it just randomly turns off.
ARM v2089.02
DSP v2088.02
BMS v1039.01

Please push the latest firmware.

ARM v2089.02
DSP v2088.02
BMS v1039.01

AC180P turns off in UPS mode (ECO off). Please, share the updated firmware to my device. Thanks!
ARM: v2089,02
DSP: v2088,02
BMS: v1039,01

Thank your
ARM 2089,02
DSP v2088,02
BMS v1039,01


Hello, I have the same issue. Could you please send me a new firmware with the fix? Thank your
ARM 2089,02
DSP v2088,02
BMS v1039,01


Привіт@BLUETTI_CARE! У мене та ж проблема. «при 100% заряді батареї та внутрішнього живлення від мережі станція вимикається сама постійно». Будь ласка, перешліть нову прошивку. Дякую! AC180P2332001200593 ARM: v2089,02 DSP: v2088,02 BMS: v1039,01

I have the same issue. Send me please update the firmware on my AC180P for stable operation.
ARM v2089.02
DSP v2088.02
BMS v1039.01
Thank you

Hello @BLUETTI_CARE. Same problem here. Can you please push new firmware version to me?
ARM: v2089.02
DSP: v2088.02
BMS: v1039.01

When the power is turned off, the station also turns off.
Please help to update the firmware.
ARM v2089.02
DSP v2088.02
BMS v1039.01

Same problem here. Can you please push new firmware version to me?
ARM: v2089.02
DSP: v2088.02
BMS: v1039.01

Hello! Please send a firmware update to my device. my AC180P turns off randomly
ARM: v2089.02
DSP: v2088.02
BMS: 1039.01

Kindly request you to also push the new update to my device:
BMS v1039.01
ARM v2089.02
DSP v2088.02
Thanks in advance!

AC180P turns off in UPS mode (ECO off). Please, send the updated firmware to my device. Thanks!
ARM: v2089.02
DSP: v2088.02
BMS: v1039.01

Hi @BLUETTI_CARE , another follow-up if you don’t mind. Same bug, but from the other side of the spectrum:

turn on the microwave and tv, over 1200w of load, fans rev up as they should;
turn off the microwave, the load is 30-35 watts from the tv and the internet, and fans won’t ever slow down until you get over 100watts.

I’m on the 2088.99 version (I should be) and unsure if it’s the same on the 2088.04.

Виникли проблеми із пристроєм ЕВ3А, пристрій можливо увімкнути тільки тоді, коли від підключення до мережі електропостачання.
Якщо пристрій не має живлення від електромережі, він не реагує на натискання жодної клавіші. Та не вмикається.

Це відбувається навіть при заряді на 100%.

А як ви використовуєте використання вмикати пристрій по виникненню саме в час електроенергії.


I’ve mentioned you in another thread, but want to make sure that got some stability for UPS work:


ARM v2089.02

DSP v2088.02

AC180P turns off in UPS mode (ECO off). Please, share the updated firmware to my device. Thanks!
ARM: v2089.02
DSP: v2088.02
BMS: v1039.01

I still don’t get an update, checking app in the phone every 2 hours :)) hope you send it soon, thank you.

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Hello, I have the same issue. Could you please send me a new firmware with the fix? Thank you

SN: AC180P2335001724892
ARM: v2089.02
DSP: v2088.02
BMS v1039.01