AC180P turns off randomly

Hi @deadlike, Can you try it now? It is confirmed that we have pushed it already.

Now i get it, thank you!

Hi @Vladyslav1, I think what you menitoned is the AC60P instead of AC60R, is that so?
Can you tell us the rated power of your lights?
We suggest you remove the lights from the AC60P, and reboot the AC60P, does it work?

Hello @Serhii777, Сообщите нам серийный номер вашего AC180P, и мы отправим его на ваше устройство.

Please tell us the SN number of your AC180P, then we will push it to your device.

Hello, have a problem with UPS mode
s\n AC180P2342000674637
ARM v2089.02
DSP v2088.02
BMS v1039.01

Hi @kag0n, From the screenshot you provided, it appears that your phone originated from a QR-sharing device, where someone first scanned and bound this AC180P and then shared it with you.
Therefore, you won’t be able to upgrade using this phone. Please use the original bound phone to perform the upgrade.

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Hello @BLUETTI_CARE. I have the same issue. Could you please send me a new firmware for my device?

ARM: v2089.02
DSP: V2088.02
BMS: V1039.01


It was indeed low, was problem on my side in that case, my apologies. But there is again problem with UPS mode. It shuts down with input in same time.

Upd: got update in app. Works fine now.

PS: you guys are amazing. Thank you from Ukraine

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That’s true. I’ve initially paired it with my phone, but then send device to my parents. Can i somehow make my parents phone the owner? So they can upgrade their device?
For example if i “unbind” it on my side?

Having the same problem here. AC180P shutting down on electricity outage.
Please send me an update. Thank you!
ARM: v2089.02
DSP: V2088.02
BMS: V1039.01

I started experiencing the same problem after about a month of using my AC180P
Please help me
ARM v2089,02
DSP v2088,02
BMS v1039,01

Hello @BLUETTI_CARE Please send a firmware update to my device.

Model: AC180P


ARM v2105.01

DSP v2126.02

BMS v1048.03

Hello @BLUETTI_CARE Please send a firmware update to my device.

Model: AC180P2335001164766


ARM v2089,02

DSP v2088,02

BMS v1039,01

Model: AC180P


ARM v2105.01

DSP v2126.02

BMS v1048.03

Hi @BLUETTI_CARE , could you provide me a firmware update for my AC180P?


ARM v2089,02
DSP v2088,02
BMS v1039,01

Hello. Kindly provide the firmware update. Our second device has the same issues as the first one.
SN: AC180P2341000252355
ARM: v2089.02
DSP: 2088.02

  1. The device turns itself off after grid disconnection instead of turning the UPS mode on.
    The eco and powerlifting modes are turned off.
  2. Being connected to the grid in a pass-through mode the device randomly discharges down to 99% and then starts charging itself back a 100%.
    Thank you in advance.

Could you please also send me new firmware version.
My Bluetti shuts down in UPS mode.

BMS v1039,01
ARM v2089,02
DSP v2088,02

Hi @BLUETTI_CARE , could you provide me a firmware update for my AC180P?
ARM v2089.02
DSP v2088.02
BMS v2088.02

Hello @BLUETTI_CARE . My ac180p does not switch to battery, but turns off when there is no current in the power grid. Eco mode - OFF.
Please send a new version of the software

SN - AC180P2344004362305
ARM - 2089.02
DSP - 2088.02
BMS - 1039.01

Thank you.

Привет@BLUETTI_CAREПожалуйста, отправьте обновление прошивки на мое устройство.


ARM v2089,02
DSP v2088,02
BMS V1039,01