AC180P turns off randomly

Hi @Klmbrr , we didn’t get your SN number so we can’t push the new DSP, can you let us know?

Hi! @BLUETTI_CARE Yeah! let’s try! SN: AC180P2349002203124
Current DSP is 2088.04

Доброго дня.

Станція ЕВ3А.

Виникла проблема, на даний час вона не вмикається, якщо не підключена до електромережі.
Як тільки підключити до мережі її можна увімкнути.

Без мережі не реагує на натискання кнопок.

I have the some problem with UPS mode. Can you please push new firmware version to me?
ARM: v2089.02
DSP: v2088.02
BMS: v1039.01

I have turn off issue too. Please, share the updated firmware to my device
Model: AC180P
ARM: v2089.02
DSP: v2088.02
BSM: v1039.01
Thank you!

Hi! Bad news - just when you removed the reminder (like 12 hours ago), the problem returned (or it was there the whole time). DC off, AC on, and loaded with small devices <15w - fans go from off to bananas after ~30 minutes, reproduced it multiple times through the night.
Didn’t you remove the new 2088.99 firmware from my device along with the reminder by any chance? :joy: Maybe it’s just a coincidence and I had a really strong sleep a couple of nights prior and noticed it only today :man_shrugging:

Thanks! Receive an update! All working correct now :partying_face:

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I have the same issue. Please, share the updated firmware to my device
ARM: v2089.02
DSP: v2088.02
BMS: v1039.01

Hi, same problem, AC180P turns off in UPS mode (ECO off).
SN - AC180P2352000977378
ARM - 2089.03
DSP - 2088.02
BMS - 1039.01

Please send me new Firmware DSP 2088.04
Thank you!

Привіт,@BLUETTI_CARE! У мене та ж проблема, вимикається режим безперебійного живлення. Я писав запит на нову прошивку в суботу, але, на жаль, мені її не надіслали. Надішліть мені, будь ласка, нову версію
Серійний номер: 180P2344000604421
ARM v2089,02
DSP v 2088,02
BMS v 1039,01

Велике спасибі!

Hi, I have same problem too, AC180P turns off in UPS mode (ECO off).
SN - 2332001031195
ARM - 2089.02
DSP - 2088.02
BMS - 1039.01

Please send me new Firmware DSP 2088.04
Thank you!

I have the same problem. Please, send me a new firmware to fix it.
Thank you in advance!

ARM 2089.02
DSP 2088.02
BMS 1039.01

Hello @BLUETTI_CARE. Same problem here. Can you please push new firmware version to me?
ARM: v2089.02
DSP: v2088.02
BMS: v1039.01

Hello, I have the same problem. Could you please send me an update?
ARM 2089.02
DSP 2088.02
BMS 1039.01

Hello @BLUETTI_CARE. Same problem here. Can you please push new firmware version to me?
ARM: v2089.02
DSP: v2088.02
BMS: v1039.01

Доброго дня!@BLUETTI_CARE В мене проблема з заряджанням станції від генератора, при підключені клацає і вимикається, чи є якесь вирішення цієї проблеми?
BMS v1039.01
ARM v2089.02
DSP v2088.02

Good afternoon. send updates to my Charging Station
ARM v2090,02- >v2090,03
DSP v2075,04
new firmware DSP -2088.04 please

Hi. When at 100% battery the station shut downs by itself after some time (ECO - off). Send my please updates to my station
SN 2349001393870
BMS v1039.01
ARM v2089.02
DSP v2088.02

@BLUETTI_CARE Please help to update the firmware.

I have the same issue. Please, share the updated firmware to my device
ARM: v2089.02
DSP: v2088.02
BMS: v1039.01

Have the same problem, when my AC180P gets charged up to 100% and Grid turns off
then my AC180P turns off completely.
Please provide me with a firmware update,
thank you!
ARM v2089.02
DSP v2088.02
BMS v1039.01