AC180P fan

Hi. So i’ve bought AC180P recently. I’ve not been using it much, but when i’ve started to it has fan working all the time at full speed. It does not matter how much load i’m using either 1500W to run a microwave, or 20W to power wi-fi hotspot, inbound fan speed stays the same. I thought that it has to do something with silent/standart/turbo charging modes even tho station had no input, but switching them didn’t help.
While charging if i switched charging mode to silent it disabled outbound fan, but inbound one was working like crazy.
I’ve also tried to factory reset settings, it didn’t help either.
Maybe it has to do something with surrounding temperature. In the evening yesterday i’ve had about 25-27 degrees Celsius in my apartments, during daytime it’s higher.
I’m constantly checked and no updates were available, so i’d gladly receive any explanations of this behavior.

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When the machine is powered on, the fan will spin for self-check.

It is recommended that you stop the machine from charging and discharging, turn it off, and place it in a cool place for three hours before turning it on again. See if the fan starts immediately when the machine is powered on. If not, the fan was previously activated due to high temperature.

@BLUETTI so i’ve tried your suggestion. There was a cooler day, i placed power station to the coolest place in the flat. The station was about 24 degrees Celsius and was disconnected from grid and AC consumers about 9-10 hours, i just don`t have cool place to let it stay there. (unless i put ice on it lol)
Got first “turn on” filmed. Please check the video via the link.

@Sungetche If the sound is abnormal under normal temperature, without load or charging, it is recommended that you contact after-sales support for repair.


I encountered fan issue several times already.
The scenario is as the following:
I find my station with fan running high speed at low load (~150W) for prolonged time when not connected to grid.
In the beginning of period when fan started rotating high speed I can sense warm air from outlet, in several minutes out blown air becomes same temperature as room air (~26 deg. C), however fan speed is not getting low.
Then I connect AC input of station for few seconds to another power station (effectively I activate grid)
After connecting grid fan goes to low speed in few seconds and stays at low speed when I disconnect grid again.

This looks like fan speed regulating circuit/algorithm senses internal temperature raising, increases fan speed, but does not trigger fan speed decrease when temperature decreases. (May be fan speed regulation hysteresis requires tuning)

At the same time fan speed regulation behaves absolutely adequately when I connect high load (~700W) temporarily at AC out: when I connect high load, fan goes high speed, and when I disconnect high load in few minutes, fan goes low immediately.

Could you please advise ?

Device’s SN is 2349000244433

I have similar problem with fans on DC port (type-c port - load ~ 30-80w). When I’m switching to AC - the fans are quite.

I have exactly the same problem that moni described. I told about it in other forum topic.
Also another problem is that when ac180p is not under any load and nothing is connected to it, it can simply turn off even when ECO mode is off and autosleep is set to never. I noticed it recently, seems that autosleep switch is not working normally.
I have the latest firmware v2088.04