AC180 does not allow standard and turbo charge from generator

@NanShan Thank you so much.

I have the same problem, when I charge the AC180 with my Ford F150 powerboost built in generator feature. The truck generator is supposed to be pure sine, and capable of supplying 2000+ watts. In normal or turbo mode, it starts ramping up the charge rate, then around 800-1000w there is a click, and charge drops to zero. In silent mode, it works fine. I am curious if the 500w limited charge rate is an effective ( though partial) fix.

Please turn on the “Grid Self-adaption” mode to test.

@Bright @BLUETTI_CARE I have the same problem. Turning on Grid Self-adaption mode has no effect at all.

@BLUETTI_CARE Has custom charging progressed since then?

May I know the maximum output power of your generator? How many gears are there, and what is the output power corresponding to each gear?

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@Bright The maximum output of the generator is 1.8kw and it has one gear.

Please turn on the “Grid Self-adaption” mode to test.

performed additional test with “grid self adaption” ON and “standard charge” conncted to the genset Cummins ONAN 7,5kW
when the generator has already other “high” loads (battery charger at max power, water heater, microwave, etc. - I guess at least 800W - 1 kW) the AC180 charges smoothly at approx 650W
when the generator has “medium” loads (I guess approx 400/500W) the AC180 charges smoothly at approx 850W
when the loads on the generator drops (I guess below the 200-300W) the AC180 tries to rump up with the charging power (up to 1,5 kW) and then it causes again the “click issue” and sudden charge interruption
as additional note, in this last case (low load on generator) the charging power is extremely variable jumping up and down continuously (700-900-1500-800-1100…)

@Bright I did the test the other day and reported it. Ecoflow’s river2max was able to be charged by setting it to 400w with that generator. I want to add a 400w charging option to my AC180.
It should be possible if custom charging is realized.

@jack893 There is a firmware that adjusts the charging power of standard mode to 500W. If you want to try it, send me your SN and current firmware version

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@Bright If possible, there is a firmware with a charging input of 400w works reliably.

SN AC1802317001118744
ARM v2073.04
DSP v2077.07
BMS v1033.06

@Bright I want to try.

@jack893 You will receive a version upgrade to 2077.99 (which is actually still 2077.07, but the charging power of the standard mode has been changed). After the update is completed, your version will be updated to a new version of 2077.07 and will continue to prompt you to upgrade to 2077.99. At that time, please leave a message to inform me, and I will delete the “2077.99” version prompt on the background server.

@Bright I set it to standard mode. I was able to charge at 520w from a wall outlet. The battery cannot be charged at all from the generator. Create 350w firmware.

@Bright ecoflow was able to be charged by setting it to 400w with a generator. True power was 350w. Silent mode has a true power of 220w, can standard mode have a true power of 350w?

@Bright I want to downgrade to the original 2077.07. There is a problem that the PV input can only be charged at about 10w. You have to disconnecting and reconnecting the dc7909 plug once

@jack893 Pushed. Please leave a message to inform me when the version is updated.

@Bright Has been updated

@BLUETTI_CARE any feedback on the above message? thanks