Wifi Connection lost

I hoped the Firmware Update would help, but after 3 days the System is offline again.
Can you help please?

20 minutes later… Ac300 is online without i have done anything… confusing…

@Rthomas18 Please send me the current IOT version and I can check.

here the informations .

IOT v9014,13

@broker I’m sorry may I also know the series number from the barcode on the bottom, then we can check if it is the latest firmware.

here the informations

Serienum. 2222000458220
Communication. 2220000886009
IOT 9014,13
ARM 4037,05
DSP 4036,07
BMS 1021,06

Thanks for Support

@broker The firmware version is the latest. Did you try turning off the WIFI on the screen and turn on again to test if it can connect stably?

Wenn I turn off and on WiFi on the screen, it works

I‘m dealing with the same problem, that my AC300 looses the wifi connection after a couple of minutes. I can always reconnect by switching off/on the wifi on the display of the AC300. Wifi signal is excellent an I set the network to 2,4GHz.

Serial number: AC3002145000796518
Communication: IoT2144000466583
IoT: v9014.09
ARM: v4037.05
DSP: v4036.07
BMS: v1021.06

Could anyone solve the problem?
Best regards

@bluetti_burgmeierjgmailcom We will send the software update to you in 12 hours.

Wenn i put WIFI Off and on it reconnect stabile and it works for some houers maximum days
Then i have to go to the Machine and put WIFI again off and on

Thank you! How do I receive the update? In the app I don‘t see an update option yet.

@bluetti_burgmeierjgmailcom Please log in your account and conenct with Bluetooth, then you can see the software update.

There is no firmware update available.

@bluetti_burgmeierjgmailcom I will check with our technican, if there is any update, I will inform you ASAP.

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@bluetti_burgmeierjgmailcom Please check again if there is a software update.

Unfortunately there is no update in the app available (coupled via bluetooth).

I have my iphone on wifi and my ipad on bluetooth. There’s only a problem if I try to connect with both on wifi or both on bluetooth at the same time. It’s the same for some of my other gadgets.
I prefer bluetooth because it connects faster than wifi, especially when I just want a quick look at SoCs.

@bluetti_burgmeierjgmailcom Please check the SN of the AC300 or take a photo for me.