Share Your Thanksgiving Recipe, Win BLUETTI Grand Prize!

I ask for a help on a friend group you can do the same. :wink:

no man, I don’t ask for people to come rig a game that’s taking place in a nice, friendly community where people help each other. You certainly fit in so nicely with that attitude. I didn’t even bother participate seeing it was “upvote based”.

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kinda get hungry when i see all this food :star_struck:


Be sure to add @koumkouat1 @koumkouat2 @Koumkouat3 @Koumkouat4 @Koumkouat5 to the list…


He made some accounts with my name why not…

Because its just spam…

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So right! That’s not playing fair, should be disqualified.


Odd, I would think they would keep the moderators in the loop with all releases and news in order to be able to adequately respond to inquiries.

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@BLUETTI I don’t know who this Koumkouat person is and why they made so many accounts and liked my posts.
I think this giveaway should be ran like the previous one… and shouldn’t rely on likes…


Well, i mean the previos contests in this formats works fine. The Idea behind is great too, to let the community interact with each other. The Problem is the first prize that everyone want to claim for themselve. Im not gonna lie, i would be also happy about a AC200L, but when i win it in a contest, i want to win because other people voted for me and not some “Bots”


#BLUETTIThanksgiving2023 has successfully concluded! Thank you to all participants for the enthusiasm, which has resulted in 7 entries! :star_struck:

After careful consideration, the BLUETTI team has decided to combine the evaluation process instead of solely relying on the number of likes to select the winners. :face_with_monocle::memo:

Let us patiently await the announcement of winners… :crossed_fingers:t2::partying_face: