Passcode for Bluetooth connection

As Bluetti becomes more popular among outdoor enthusiasts I think the app need a passcode to log in a unit. Without this passcode and in a crowded camp ground, people would log in a wrong unit and try to turn on/off. This would be a big headache.

Imagine coming back to camp to find out your unit was turned off by someone and your your ice cream has melted.

I strongly suggest that Bluetti app team would implement this ASAP. Thanks.

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This would be bad… but imagine someone doing an malicious firmware update. best cases bricking your device…
worst cases… :fire:

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Hi @LN2023

This feature is already requested and in active developlemt.


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Hi there, any update on this development ?

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Hi @LN2023
not hear anything from official side yet.

Maybe @BLUETTI_CARE can give us a update on this topic?


Thanks Selfmadestrom. Hope they include this new feature soon. Many of my camping friends bought other brands last month just because of lack of security in Bluetti apps, even with the price drops.

Any update on this feature ? Thanks.

Hey @LN2023

as far as i know, they implement the feature for some of the powerstation/Home Backup Systems. But cant say for sure which Units.

Hi, Is there a way to request this feature for AC180 ? Thanks.

@BLUETTI_CARE Do you know, which models do support this type of pairing and which are in planning?

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