Why do some people’s posts about this issue get addressed quickly and others get no replies?
The same problem
Can you fix it ?
Open a support ticket in the app. It will be faster that begging on the forums. It took 17 days before someone answered me here. So go go go and open a ticket. Skip the forums for help.
Is overload still a problem for the EB3A?
This is a great unit for small load UPS, but the overload problem that I had back in May 2023 has prevented me from getting more. I bought 3 units but 2 has consistent overload issue when drawing 30W and a couple firmware updates didn’t fix it. The 3rd unit works well right now so I am not loading any firmware on that one.
Well , looks like they used different components (chips) over the years to built them so this is why many many firmware version exists. If they tell you that you are on the last version and you still have the problem then wait for a new firmware or get rid of he faulty unit(s)
This is why they ask you the serial number , to determine what board or chip revision you have.
I am having the overload issue.
Sn: EB3A2236007684136
ARM: v2062.02
DSP: v2056.10
I am having the same issue as those in this thread. Could you please push the firmware update to my device?
@Jdlamont The serial number is incorrect, please recheck. By the way, please provide the relevant firmware version number.
Firmware is expected to be pushed out within 24 hours, so please update then.
What’s the insanity of every single affected user having to provide their SN?
The app knows your device SN, have it check for update based on that and download as needed. Instead we have hundreds of users individually posting about the same issue on different versions of the same device.
I’m glad I got the EB3A to see what a mess this is rather than something bigger for a critical use case.
Simple minds can’t understand that to build in mass production an electronic device you need components from several sources and the results is that you have several hardware revision that you need to keep track with serials number. The manufacturer knows what components was used in a giving time period on the product line and crosscheck the info with the serial number.
So this is why they ask for it and also why two unit built the same day won’t necessarily need the same firmware. Add to this the region in the world where the unit is sold. North America and Europe are built differently. Finally unless a major issue they won’t push an update to everyone. It’s case by case.
Your sarcastic response is missing the point, the serial number is literally the first piece of data in the Bluetti app under Settings when you connect the app to the device.
The app is also how you check for and download updates.
What any normal hardware manufacturer does is associate the hardware revision with the serial number and deliver firmware updates based on the device revision. All of which you can do automatically through the app.
I bought a new MPPT controller this week from another manufacturer and installed it and the first thing it wanted when I connected to it by Bluetooth was to download and install firmware updates. It didn’t need me to contact customer service.
There’s no reason to force people to manually send that info case by case when the serial number is already available in the app that checks for updates.
Bluetti doesn’t know how to manage updates, that’s it. And the EB3A has an overload problem, if it’s firmware related they can make the same updates available to all versions of the device with the problem, based on serial number, end of problem. But they don’t have a fix.
Not everyone want to use the app so there’s that
Granted. Not everyone wants to participate in a 230-post thread going back more than a year trying to see if there’s a firmware update for their device to restore basic functionality.
Not sure how you are supposed to install the firmware update if you don’t use the app.
Добрий день, Bluetti.
Мій EB3A весь час підключений до розетки 220 В і працює в режимі ДБЖ.
Я нещодавно обновив АRM мікропрограму, тепер мій EB3A відключає AC вихід раз на добу, навіть якщо до нього нічого не під’єднано. І мигає індикатор АС. Owerload немає. Коли я підключав навантаження, комп’ютер 100 Вт, відбувається теж саме, раз на добу комп’ютер відключався і горів індикатор АС на EB3A.
Раніше Bluetti EB3A стояв місяцями підключений і не вимикав вихід AC.
ЕСО - відключене.
Як мені повернути попередню мікропрограму, або налагодити все, як було.
Ось його данні:
@BLUETTI this issue has been ongoing for at least a year and a half based on various posts to this forum, is there an ETA on when firmware testing for a fix will be done?
Hello @ICbook, For this issue, we have already applied to push a new DSP update to fix it.
Our IT department will push the latest version of firmware to your machine in 24 hours. Please upgrade it tomorrow.
Please do not load any device when upgrading it.
Please let us know if it works.
Hi @NM_Ben, Our EB3A has been released for a long time and has multiple versions of firmware. The new firmware is only applicable to certain versions of the machine, so we cannot perform a batchly push.
We only conduct individual pushes upon customer request, which is a way to protect the majority of customers from unnecessary disruptions.
I appreciate your kind understanding and patience.
@BLUETTI I have a EB3A purchased in Mar 23 from Amazon that has always gone into overload when charging. Doesn’t matter is anything is connected to it or not. It could have a small load on it, or just turned off and charging, it goes into overload randomly every 6 to 24 hours. I was going to return it, but was hoping for a firmware fix eventually. Hopefully you can provide me with a fix now. Here is serial number for my unit.
Thank you