EB3A: In UPS mode, inverter overloads are turning off AC outlets

I have had my EB3A for about a week.
use as pass through for incubator, it had overlaod today ans tempa dropped 10° not ideal for what I need it for. so still no fix? I sent an email to Bluetti this evening . maybe exchange it or something otherwise I need to return it, as I need my incubator to stay running without interruption.

The inverter overload problem is not fixable. You need to have the unit replaced.

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is there an alternative model that dosnt have those issues or best to get a refund?

eb70s ?

I believe that this problem occurs in a minority of EB3A units. It happened to me, but my replacement unit it doesn’t have the problem.

I’m not aware of the problem with other models. Check through the posts on this forum to see if there are any reports.

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mine would overload all the time until I put a constant fan on the left side. it hasn’t overloaded in 2 months, I am using a 12v fan from a broken Xbox one I then wired it to a 12v barrel plug and only uses 2 watts of power.

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