EB3A empty - no working anymore (dissolved)

German, hope you understand me. ;)

I had a bad action with my EB3A Powerstation (PS). Hope it helps other.

Have a EB3A and a 140W Wattstunde solar folder (max 26V). After connect blinks the “INPUT” text. No charging. PS levels down to 0%. All is off. No knob action. NO charging with AC. No bluetooth. Nothing goes anymore. The manual has no informations for errors.

Attempted to load via mains adapter of 12VDC. Display goes on. 0%. 0W charging. No knob works. No AC charging. But bluetooth works. The app says: 0% but 8W charging. Ok. Wait.

It gets to 1%. All knobs work. AC charging works. Put AC charging on. Attaching my solar folder. Blinking “INPUT” and no charging. Bluetooth app says overvoltage input. Measure. Solar folder has 25VDC. Input should go to 28VDC!?

Attached a DC/DC booster between the solar folder and the PS. Now I have 8-60VDC input. Output set to 20VDC. Works fine.

Bluetti: 28VDC input not correct defined. No informations of errors for the display. No informations that AC charging is disabled when the power is empty. Sorry, thats not good.


Hallo Sigi, Willkommen,
Nur ein paar Fragen.
Haben Sie bereits versucht, ein Firmware-Update durchzuführen?
Wenn Sie das getan haben, haben Sie dann auch versucht, den EB3A komplett aus- und wieder einzuschalten?
Wenn die App aktualisiert wurde, haben Sie die App auch neu gestartet?
Hi Sigi, Welcome,
Just some questions.
Have you already tried to perform a firmware update?
If you did that, did you also try turning the EB3A completely off and then on again?
If the App has been updated, have you also restarted the App?

ups darf man hier auch deutsch schreiben. Super.
Wie soll ich ein Firmware Update durchführen? Ist nirgends beschrieben.
Ohne Update. Die EB3A war ja komplett aus, besser tot! Nicht gelesen? ;)
Wozu soll ich die App aktualisieren? Und neu starten? Die Kiste war tot, da ging nichts mehr!
Gruß Sigi

oops you can also write German here. Excellent.
How should I perform a firmware update? Is not described anywhere.
Without update. The EB3A was completely dead! Not read? ;)
Why should I update the app? And restart? The box was dead, nothing worked anymore!
Greeting Sigi (Google)

Tschuldigung für die dicke Schrift.
Sorry for the bold font.

Ja, mit Google Translate werden wir es herausfinden. :grinning:
Handbuch in deutscher Sprache:


Did you just buy the unit? Maybe emptied in storage?
I thought the loading had started anyway?

I have the manual. Not really good and missing a lot.
I’m no fan of video looking. Hate it.
I buyed the powerstation, yes.
Not emtied in storage. Emtyed by me using a solar panel to fold.
The solar panel brought 25vdc and the powerstation didn’t charge.
“input” was blinking what ever that says (no info in manual).
Over time, a few days, the powerstation was empty and death.
It was no load on it.

A topic with many questions about the EB3A.

Thankyou for the information. But nothing for me.
This bluetooth and update handling is not very good engineered.
My first shock was that it is not possible to set a password to the bluetooth connection to my powerstation. So everybody can switch and do when i am off grid from outside my mobile home. Yes, I can switch bluetooth off but then I could never handle the powerstation by my self. That is all very bad.
And why don’t get an update per file to insert via an usb stick!?
I don’t want any account or connection to somebody. What is if I don’t own a smartphone? This facts should be posted before I can buy such a powerstation, not after!

Hallo @sigi-und-so ,

konntest du dein Problem inzwischen lösen?

Wenn nicht, was genau funktioniert nicht?

Viele Grüße


@Erik: Habe doch geschrieben, dass es gelöst ist. Nur zur Info und zur Hilfe falls jemand anders auch so ein Problem hat. Und was nicht funktioniert hat, habe ich doch beschrieben. Wie wäre es mit lesen? ;) Oder war ich so undeutlich? Gruß Sigi


Hab ich ehrlich gesagt nicht finden können. Ist aber auch nicht weiter schlimm, sofern für dich jetzt alles gelöst ist. Weiterhin viel Spaß mit deiner Powerstation!

MY EBA3 is not charging on generator. i do not have car or solar charge only gen. it gives an error of “Grid frequency high” and it stops charging. is this a firmware issue or another.

Your generator should output DC to charge the EB3A. No AC. The DC voltage should be inside the range for charging the EB3A. See the manual. And better to tell what you have done by details.

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@Admin. This should be swapped to a new thread. It has nothing to do with the started thread theme. Thanks Sigi