Thanks, all good . Working as needed.
My EB3A2312000654584 is not working it’s giving the error message battery communication failure… when I try to upgrade firmware it fails …can you please resolve this for me
Hi @Thandoe, It seems that the upgrade for this phone has failed.
Please follow these steps to troubleshoot:
- Update the Bluetti app to the latest version.
- Clear the cache and try upgrading again.
- Try using mobile data instead of Wi-Fi.
- If possible, test with another phone.
If the issue persists, please let us know the model of your phone.
Hi, I have been several issues with this eb3a Unit
1 Is the worse UPS unrealiable Unit i ver use. If left the Unit plugged into acwall AND using the AC out for my NAS for one day to another the AC out appears off AND my NAS is useless , the eb3A for any unknown reason shutoff the AC out.So as AC UPS fails.
2 then i decide to use the DC out instead AND aparently un this way i was able to use it , the DC Port out was conected to my NAS USING a Malé to Malé DC cable.
I forgot to soy that i already done the discharge process two times previuos to use it
Now the issue in DC out mode use was that now the Unit even conected to the AC wall last nigth reach 0% AND died that implies my NAS was off AND can’t reach it. The worst parte was to try to know what hell happened the eb3A was died ,not turno on ,not charging. I was very annoyed looking for information. Finally i got to work charging with a DC charger from a computer 20v 120W.
Now Is charged the eb3A but i refuse to keep use it as my Energy backup for my NAS ( because the file system crash every Time that the NAS is off in a bad way).
So Is there any Solution yo muy issues vía infamous firmware update???
My SN Is EB3A2335000046166
My Actual ARM Is 2062.04
AND DSP IS 2056.13.
For now this Unit Is unsafe to use for my intented use. As UPS for my NAS AND TO have ligth un my tvroom if a blackout occurs.
Hi @Haborgx, We are very concerned about the issue you’re encountering. We have created the new firmware to address the random shutdown of AC output on the EB3A, as well as to improve the AC charging performance.
We have requested to push the new DSP firmware for you. Please upgrade and test again.
Please do not load any device when upgrading it.
Please let us know if it works.
Hi, is good to have news from you, but yesterday I tried to do the update nevertheless nothing/none update was available from the APP, (i guess i can make the update using the “offline Mode” or is neceesary to use the “login/register” way?)
Hi @Haborgx, I’m afraid that you might be directly connecting to the EB3A via Bluetooth without logging into your Bluetti account and binding this EB3A to it.
If this is the case, you won’t be able to complete the firmware upgrade. A direct Bluetooth connection only allows limited operational access and does not include firmware upgrades.
Please register and log in to your Bluetti account, then bind your EB3A. Next, click on ‘Settings,’ then ‘Firmware Upgrade,’ and click on the blue ARM and DSP icon to obtain the latest firmware. Proceed with the upgrade afterward.
Please do not load any device when upgrading it.
I hope it does help.