AC180P turns off randomly

Привіт,у мене проблема з відключенням.Не могли б ви надіслати мені оновлення мікропрограми?
ARM v2089.02
DSP v2088.02.
BMS v1039.01

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Request above will be processed in 24 hours.

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Hey, could you also push new 04 firmware to me? Thanks!

ARM: 2089.02
DSP: 2088.02
BMS 1039.01
ARM: 2089.02
DSP: 2088.02
BMS 1039.01

Kindly request you to also push the new update to my device:
ARM v2089.02
DSP v2088.02
BMS v1039.01
Thanks in advance!

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Same issue here. Could you please push this fw to my device as well?
ARM 2089.02
DSP 2088.02
BMS 1039.01

Greetings, @BLUETTI_CARE !

Got my AC180P yesterday, I haven’t tried it in UPS mode for longer than 5 minutes, but I have the same firmware as your customers above (ARM 2089,02 | DSP 2088,02 | BMS1039,01). I don’t really have time or will to test all bugs for a week or so because we have daily ongoing power shutdowns here and I need to work. The only bug I noticed is that my station doesn’t show a small power draw if it’s under 15 watts (or is it a feature?). If I connect my internet router and pon onu terminal (both draw about 10 watts) there are zeroes on the display and a remaining time of 99.9 hours, but remaining percentage of the charge goes down. Also, fans turn on occasionally with the speed matching a charge in a standard mode (1000 watts) and they keep working for 3 minutes at least to cool off the station with ~10 watts of load with a room temperature of 26 celsius :laughing:! Eco mode for AC and DC is turned off, autosleep = never (I don’t think it matters), Grid self-adaptation is off and was never enabled. I charge it through a surge protector relay, so theoretical damage to an inverter from a power surge is out of the question . So, anyway, could you please push this new firmware to my station?



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I have the same issue, could you please push this firmware to my device as well?
ARM 2089.02
DSP 2088.02
BMS 1039.01

The above requests will be processed.


Hello. Same problem here. Can you please push new firmware version to me?
ARM v2089.02
DSP v2088.02
BMS v1039.01

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Hello. Will I heve this problem? Do I need to update new firmware version? What is the latest?

ARM v2089.03
DSP v2088.02
BMS v1039.01

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Get a similar problem in UPS mode. When electricity is turned off station randomly switches off as well.

@BLUETTI_CARE Could you please share the latest firmware?

ARM: 2089.02
DSP: 2088.02
BMS: 1039.01

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Hey, I have the same problem. When at 100% battery and losing power from grid the station sometimes shut downs by itself.
Could you please also push this firmware to me?
ARM 2089.02
DSP 2088.02
BMS 1039.01

Hi! I have the same problem.
Could you please push this new firmware to me?
ARM 2089.02
DSP 2088.08
BMS 1039.01

Hello. Will I heve this problem? Do I need to update new firmware version? What is the latest?

ARM v2089.03
DSP v2088.02
BMS v1039.01
Could you please also push new firmware to me?

Hi! I have the same problem.
Could you please push this new firmware to me?
ARM 2089.02
DSP 2088.02
BMS 1039.01

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I have the same problem. When at 100% battery the station shut downs by itself after some time (ECO is off).
@BLUETTI_CARE Could you please also push this firmware to me?
ARM 2089.02
DSP 2088.02
BMS 1039.01

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The above request will be processed ASAP.

So far so good, DSP updated to 2088,04 zero shutdowns for 3 days (all this time it was in UPS mode).
It still doesn’t show loads under 15 watts on display, though, and the cooling system inadequately reacts to these loads.
f.e. if I plug in my internet router and my coffee machine (over 1000 watts total) then turn my coffee machine off and keep the internet router on (less than 15 watts), the fans will keep spinning forever like it’s still over 1000 watts of load until I plug something else in to get more than 15 watts of load (my PC or desktop lamp) and only after that the fans slow down. Maybe it’s the BMS firmware issue, idk.

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I once again remind you of my humble request to send me the newest available firmware (2088,04) as the above-described deficiency keeps coming…
Many thanks
P.S. AC 180P2342000542085
ARM version v.2089,02
DSP version v. 2088,02
BMS version v. 1039,01

Thank you so much for your quick response!
Now the newest firmware has been successfully installed. From now on I`ll keep a watchful eye on the performance of the unit.