AC 200 PL relay click-clack at dusk and dawn

Fingers crossed! On the flip side, the issue’s proven a blessing in disguise for me. I’m so happy with the extra remote control and automation options that come from having a smart switch + external relay controlling the PV input.

I have a new AC200L and have the morning and evening relay chatter, which I would like to resolve. I have done all the updates hoping the software may resolve this problem.
I would be interested in your smart box and relay to prevent this.
Ralph WIlmot

Hello! @BLUETTI and @BLUETTI_CARE. I’m having the same issue after sunset PV relay starting to click clack. I’m sure it’s because of the voltage threshold or something like that, because if I unplug solar panels for approximately 1 hour for the voltage to become even lower and plug solars again it will not start clicking.

  • SN AC200PL2405000186739
  • BMS: v1056.02
  • ARM: v2140.04
  • DSP: v2130.09

Will wait for your reply and new firmware. Thank you!

@PesPatron Your AC200PL issue has been registered to the backend and the firmware will be pushed within 24 hours.

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I have a UK AC200L that also clicks at Dusk and Dawn. Please could you send me the new update as well please.
( I also cant display any power stats or SOC trends)

S/N is AC200L2402001952786

IOT = V9041.06
ARM = V2131.04
DSP = V2130.09
BMS = V1043.11
I’ve logged into unit via bluetooth and the app says no upgrades at the moment

cheer Andy

@AndyS The situation noted and the firmware will be pushed within 24 hours.

Hello @BLUETTI ,

I just received EU version AC200L that also clicks at Dusk and Dawn.
Please could you send me the new update as well please.

S/N is AC200L2423001115127

IOT = V9041.06
ARM = V2131.04
DSP = V2130.09
BMS = V1043.11

Thanky you.

Mladen from Croatia

Hello! @BLUETTI and @BLUETTI_CARE. I’m having the same issue relay starting to click clack. I’m sure it’s because of the voltage threshold or something like that.

SN AC200PL2426003130879
IOT: v9041.06
BMS: v1056.02
ARM: v2140.04
DSP: v2130.09

Will wait for your reply and new firmware. Thank you!

@Iusachev @msantic
Recorded, the firmware will be pushed within 24 hours.

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thank you for your help. I have updated both the firmware updates sent and my unit no longer clicks and I can now see my power stats in the app. awesome work :slight_smile:
cheers Andy