**Reminder for all Community Forum Members**

Hello fellow Bluetti addicts!

As the brand has continued to grow like wildfire this past couple months, I think now is a good time to send out a friendly reminder of our communities rules and guidelines.

Bluetti Community Guidelines

We in this community forum are a group of **over 18,000 members** now and with this, there are a ton of new folks getting their first SoGens and joining our family for the very first time. This is all absolutely incredible to me and honestly.. just makes my heart happy to see the love of solar and all this tech blooming in the world around us! The vast majority, without having any issues and just sharing there experiences which is awesome. But some folks are here looking for help or assistance. And this is where I want everyone to remember those group rules and the sole purpose of this community.

:exclamation: Going forward as of this post, if someone is asking for help in a post and your comment/replies to the post adds nothing constructive, and I see a pattern of similar behavior, you will be immediately banned without warning. :exclamation:

For the most part, all has been amazing here and there are a TON of you who are EXTREMELY helpful and knowledgeable and we as Mods/Admins appreciate each and everyone of you. @Scott-Benson and myself are simply fellow solar nerds and enthusiasts and are NOT official Bluetti employees, but I can say without a doubt @BLUETTI and @BLUETTI_CARE absolutely do appreciate you deeply. :heart:

Please feel free so reach out if you have any questions!! Cheers. :metal: