Please address the idle 99-100% recharging


I’d like to ask to review the idle recharging behavior which many Bluetti stations seem to have. Looks like it’s not something new and has been present for years, but there hasn’t been some solution developed yet apparently.

I was testing it specifically on AC2P for example. So, you connect it to the grid and let it charge to 100%. As the internals are still using the battery, in around 30 minutes the battery will get to 99%. Then, it will start charging again to 100%. And it does that in a cycle every 30 minutes. I assume that it’s by design like that, but It doesn’t seem to be good for the battery and operation mode in general.

Would it be possible to implement a new feature where you can set that discharge percentage yourself? For example, set it to start charging again at 90% or 80% and not 99%. This will reduce those unnecessary idle recharging cycles by many times and possibly will affect the battery life less.

Here’s a similar comment in a different thread mentioning that too:

“The solutions can be quite simple. Add settings where users can set the limit of discharging in UPS mode. For instance, it can be between 60-90%. To be honest, developing this feature, taking into account bureaucratic delays and coffee breaks, would cost 1–5 days.”



Hi @flashback, Thank you for your feedback, your input is highly valuable.
I have forwarded it to our R&D department, and we hope to implement the feature in the near future.


Thanks, hope it gets implemented :)