UPS Mode recharging at 99%

@bluetti_mvornhusengmailcom Could you please provide me with the SN and a firmware version for me?

Under UPS mode, the inverter is not completely shut down, it is always on standby, so as to quickly switch to battery power when the mains power fails. It is also because the inverter is always in standby, so the internal temperature of the machine will still rise and the battery will consume more power than when it is turned off, causing the fan to start.

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my SN is EB3A2251000582927

ARN Version v2053.07
DSP Version 2052.07

I like to try the firmware update. Next to the 20 Watts power consumption in UPS mode the noise the unit generates when it recharges itself every few minutes is the biggest problem for me.

If recharging in UPS mode would happen only once a day at noon time or if battery is <80% it would be a big improvement.

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@bluetti_mvornhusengmailcom Thanks for your information. The software update will be sent in 12 hours. You can check if it works.

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hi, I have the same issue as you. could you please tell me if the firmware update helped with this issue? could you tell me what firmware version number you updated to?

Hello! Have you received any updates, and have there been any positive changes regarding the noise during charging from 99% to 100%?

Hello! Does this update fix the problem with charging from 99% to 100%? Is it possible to make an update that will charge the device from 80% or 90% to 100% once instead of charging dozens of times from 99% to 100%?

I am using my EB3A as UPS for my PC and it charging from 99% to 100% every 40-60 minutes. It takes several minutes to recharge this 1% and every time fans reach maximum speed and make a lot of noise.

My SN is EB3A2243004618168
ARM version v2063.02
DSP version v2052.07

Nop differently not.

Growwatt solutions can keep the battery at a constatn SOC.

haha the other fail is the Eb3A as well other bluetti products are not using solar power as if they are in UPS mode. haha

for me its even more.
I think its unusable as a UPS

@KuzmenchukDmytro I’m sorry there is no firmware suitable for your case. The machine is working in UPS mode (even if it is fully charged, the machine is still on). During this period, the machine also consumes internal power. Over time, the battery capacity will drop to 99%, and the temperature will still rise. When the internal temperature rises to a certain level, the fan will start.

I’m a more recent EB3A owner but haven’t noticed this behaviour as it is running as a UPS for my NAS and internet equipment (constant load of ~120 wats or so). I guess this got fixed at some point? Given what I’ve read above though, does this constant charge and recharge cycle adversely affect battery health?

Please explain if I understand correctly. UPS mode means that electricity enters the battery and then goes from the battery to the connected devices. Or there is a bypass here, when the internal battery is used only for personal needs at the charging station and the devices are powered by “passing” electricity from the outlet.

I faced the same problem. It’s very annoying. The device periodically begins to make a lot of noise and apparently charges. Although nothing is connected to the device except the power cable, all sockets are also turned off.
Why it is trying to charge if it is already 100% charged is not clear. And why it turns on the fans at full speed in this case if you need to add a couple of mah. It looks like the plane is taking off.

I’ve encountered the same issue. As someone who has connected to other company who produce some another devices as an engineer, I can say that this is a corner case. I’d even say it results from poor QA (quality assurance) within the Bluetti company.

The solutions can be quite simple. Add settings where users can set the limit of discharging in UPS mode. For instance, it can be between 60-90%. To be honest, developing this feature, taking into account bureaucratic delays and coffee breaks, would cost 1–5 days.

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Hi, can you please fix that. This 99-100 charge is insanely annoying. And please can you implement charge limits.

Otherwise the eb3a is unusable for me.

Hi @Biospargel, Could you please describe your issue in more detail? Is it the same as the original post? Do you also experience an increase in charging power and louder fan noise when the battery level drops to 99%?

What is the SN code and current firmware version of your EB3A? We will help you check if it has been upgraded to the latest version.

Yes it’s the same error as mentioned. My eb3a is on the newest firmware.
When plugged in it’s going down to 99% ever 30min

As @m.briney already said, this behavior unfortunately is part of the current design of the power stations. This is because the internal electronics always run from battery power when in UPS mode. So this discharges the battery to 99% and then the power station recharges it to 100%.

Traditional server UPS units run their internal electronics from either the utility power or battery so these don’t have this evergoing discharge/recharge cycle. Imo, this is a far more elegant solution and something the (solar) power station manufacturers should move towards.


Hi @Biospargel, I think it is a normal condition.
I agree with @TheQuickFox’s opinion. When the EB3A is fully charged, to avoid overcharging, the machine automatically stops charging and starts discharging. During this process, the battery level may drop to 99%, at which point it will begin charging again automatically until it reaches 100%.

During both charging and discharging, the internal temperature of the battery cells increases, causing the fan to automatically turn on for cooling purposes. Unfortunately, the fan cannot be manually turned off, nor can this be achieved through a firmware upgrade, as it depends on not only the load power but also the internal cell temperature and environmental conditions. We recommend placing the EB3A in a well-ventilated, cool area or using an external fan to help with cooling.


Ok thanks for your help. But is there any way to implement a charge limit like only charge to 80% to increase the lifespan of the lfp. Like on ecoflows. There you can easily set a charge limit. That would be so helpful. I use the eb3a as a ups for the night when I have no solar input. But over the day it’s so annoying.
Thanks for your time.

Hi @Biospargel, I appreciate your kind understanding and patience.
We completely understand your feelings. However, due to the limitations of the EB3A’s hardware, it’s difficult to develop new features for it.

Currently, the best option might be to use a smart plug to set charging times, ensuring that charging only occurs when needed.

We’ve collected your feedback and have passed it on to our R&D department. We hope that future models will be able to incorporate this feature.


I’m experiencing the same issue but in more radical way, because my EB3A starts recharging at 99% in UPS mode but after 1-1.5 Minutes with just 4Watt consumption via DC Port for wi-fi Router and small LAN device

So if it’s plugged in it’s basically clicking every 2 minutes and it’s impossible to use, especially at night

Sometimes also the charging stops at 60 or so per cent and starts recharging after losing 1 per cent at 59 in that case , so 4 out of every 5 times you can’t even charge it fully

Could you please provide some info on what should I do next?

May send you a video if you provide an email
