AC200PL strange fans behavior

i’ve just bought my AC200PL and i’m wondering about strange fans behavior, is it a failure or normal? So, the fans are starting up every 60-65 seconds for next 30-40 seconds and stops, then after another 60-65 seconds it starts again for another 30-40sec, and such cycle repeats forever. The load on station is around 100 watts AC, ambient temp is 25 degree Celsius. Even under such a low load the fans are working on that cycle.
If i grow the load more up to 300-400 watts then the fans are working on the same cycle just for a longer period of time like every 60-65 seconds silent and then 40-50sec fans ON.

I also have the EB55 and its completely silent up to 150-200 watts load, so i’m wondering is it all OK with my AC200PL when it is running on the fans every minute even under low load.

Here are the serial number and other details of my ac200pl. I’ve also checked for firmware update first but the app says i’m up to date.

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Hi @lexx_ua, We would like to confirm whether you were using the AC200PL for AC charging when the issue occurred.

Generally, when the machine’s charging or discharging power reaches a certain level and the internal temperature rises, the fan will automatically turn on. Once the temperature decreases, the fan will automatically stop. We believe this is normal.

If you find the noise too loud, we suggest changing the charging mode to Silent Mode in the Bluetti app.

Additionally, we would like to know if there are any historical error codes on the machine or in the Bluetti app. If so, please share the error codes with us. Also, does restarting the AC200PL have any effect?

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I’m not talking about charging mode for now. I’m in operational mode. Here is the video i posted on youtube for your reference click
So, station was under load around 60-100watts, and at 00:58 it starts the fans, then at 2:05 fan stops, then at 3:09 it is on, then at 4:17 stop, at 5:20 ON, 6.30 stops.
So i mean it is always turning the fans ON and then OFF by such cycles even on such a low load.
Ambient temp was 28 degrees Celsius.

There are no historical error codes on the machine.
When i turn the station OFF and then turn it back ON it doesn’t have any effect. The fans behavior are still going by those “around every minute” cycles.

here is another video taken at night with ambient temp 24-25C - click here
You can see how the fan icon in the top right corner of the screen appearing at 0:25 of the video, then OFF at 1:19, then ON at 2:15, OFF at 3:09, ON 4:10, OFF at 4:57. And it is lasting forever. Can it be fixed with firmware upgrade? If so - please push it for me.

The fan behavior you’re describing sounds unusual for the AC200PL. Normally, fans should only run when the device is under significant load or at higher temperatures. It might be worth reaching out to customer support for a detailed check, even if the firmware is up to date. They might be able to provide more insight or help determine if there’s a potential issue with your unit.


Hi @lexx_ua, We have reviewed the video you provided and found that the fan noise is very low and within the normal range.

Our fan is used for temperature control, and it will automatically stop once the machine’s temperature decreases. This is normal.
Currently, we don’t have firmware to prevent the fan from running, as we believe stopping the fan could cause the battery temperature to become too high, potentially damaging the cells.


Yes, i understand that stopping the fans is dangerous as it can lead to cells damage, but my point - it is strange when its even using the fans on ambient temp 25C and such a low load as 50-100watts. I was suspecting that it might be something wrong with my exact unit. As, again, i had an experience using much smaller power station (EB55) and it was completely silent even up to 150-200watts load. So it was not expected to see such a strange fan behavior on this powerful AC200PL when its spinning the fans every minute ON and OFF. I was thinking of some fault with my exact unit. But if you confirm that such behavior is just fine then i can leave with it.


Hi, I have an AC200L which I use with a 600W load and it is very rare that the fan turns on. I do however have my charging mode set to standard, eventhough I know it should not affect the fan usage when the unit is being used but not charging.

I understand that you are not doing any charging with your AC200P L, but could you check what charging mode it is set to in the app? If it is set to turbo, test by setting it to silent to see if the fan stops cycling like in your video.

Yes, i’m not charging my unit, it is not connected to the grid. It is in standalone mode, connected to the fridge which takes around 60-100watts from AC outlet.

Normally, when i charge it i do that in silent mode and fans are spinning all the time during the charge. Changing the charging mode in app doesn’t affect on such weird fans behavior when the station is used in standalone mode powering my fridge.

I have exactly same behavior. Not sure but most probably this is ok. My ac180p’s fans worked constantly with such load. My ac200pl turns fans on periodically.


It just might be because of the ambient temperature, and the load, combined. A larger inverter does generate more internal heat than a smaller one even for the same load, and with the 25°C (77°F) ambient temperature there might be enough to kick on the fan periodically. What you might like to try, to see if that’s it, is to put a small fan blowing on the ventilation intake side and see if that reduces or stops the internal fan. If it does then it truly is running the internal fan due to heat build-up.

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Just got my AC200PL and fans behave in same manner.
25C ambient, AC load 200-300, (60s idle, 30s fan works), repeated.

It might be not an error/defect, but it is not very good design. It causes more noise level change than needed, it definitely affects fans life longevity. Usually, fans are set in a way, that stops later (so they will cool device more than needed) and starts later, when it is really heated. Now it looks like, it is just by timer, which is just strange way to program it, or by very small temperature margin, e.g.
“start fan when t=30”
“stop fan when t=29”
this margin should be increased, or whole timer thing rethinked. Please consider it, I am sure it can be pushed via FW update.


Hello everyone. Tell me how I can get a firmware update for my device?

have the same with my AC200PL with B210 set with only fridge (±100W) plugged in on UPS mode. “Silent mode” doesn’t help.

So, recently I’ve updated all the firmware: IOT v9041.10, ARM v2140.05, DSP v2130.13, BMS v1056.03
And… it got even worse. I’ve placed my station at the balcony where the ambient temp is around 15 C, it keeps turning ON/OFF its fans by that cycle all the time even at 80W AC load. And what got worse is the fact that BEFORE the firmware upgrade the fans was cycling at low speed and minimal noise, now AFTER the firmware upgrade the fans are working at high speed when it’s getting enabled by those cycles, causing a significant noise compared to one before the firmware upgrade.

@BLUETTI_CARE can this be fixed at last with new firmware and when to expect that? If not, then please tell me how can i downgrade all the firmware? Should i make a factory reset to downgrade the firmware where that fan was cycling at low speed with minimal noise?

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Добрый день, команда BLUETTI.
Использую AC180P. Отличная станция.
Но хочу приобрести мощнее.
Встал выбор между АС240Р и АС200PL.
Подскажите, пожалуйста, какую лучше выбрать и какая из них, более новая модель?
Цель - продолжительность раздачи на потребителей в домашних условиях.
Так как, сам с Украины, и свет отключают у нас уже до 10 часов сразу.
Спасибо Вам, за ранее.

Думаю, лучше создать новую тему, а тут, в глубине топика про вентилятор, поддержка может не прочесть сообщение вовсе. Ну и тегнуть их через @. И на английском )
У меня 200PL, кроме лишнего шума от вентиляторов, когда его вполне можно было бы избежать, меня вполне устраивает. Насколько я знаю, 240 водо- и пылезащищенная, а емкость меньше, не вижу смысла переплачивать за это. Но сама модель новее: насколько помню, выходили 200L->240->200PL->240P. Может там лучше вентилятор настроен - но это можно поискать обзоры на ютубе.
Расширяется 240 потенциально на больший объем, но и с большим кол-вом батарей (4х2.1КвтЧ против 2х3КвтЧ), но сама изначально на 0.4КвтЧ меньше.

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То, есть 240P новее. И кнопки уже вроде сенсорные.
А в Украине 240P дешевле, чем 200PL! Не на много, но дешевле.
И мне нравиться в 200PL большая емкость батареи, чем у 240P. Значит на дольше хватит данной станции при подключении приборов, когда нет света.
Я правильно понимаю?

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Сенсорные кнопки вряд ли плюс )
Емкость выше у 200, но если понадобится больше и хватит средств, то емкость 240 можно расширить доп. батареями до ~10000, а 200 - только до ~8000.

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Hi @lexx_ua, At the moment, we don’t have a better solution. We believe that downgrading might not resolve the issue, but if this is your preference, we respect your decision.

We have already requested the firmware rollback, and it will be pushed within 24 hours. Please proceed with the downgrade tomorrow.
I hope it does help.