AC200MAX 67% max

Hi community!
I have purchased AC200MAX Expandable Power Station 2 years ago. Previous year I have been used for a couple of months frequently, but the rest of the time - almost not.

This summer I have started to use it regularly and discovered interesting cases. When I charge the station up to 100%, turn it OFF and after a few minutes turn it ON to check the percentage, the screen shows 67%. Then I tried to charge it again and in a minute it 100% again.

Such case always repeats, so I decided to find some solution. In the article AC200MAX does not charge past 75% another issue, but I tried to discharge to 0% and then recharge to 100%. During the charging I observed, that charging was predictable up to 80%, then it became 100% immediately. In a couple of minutes I turn ON the station and observed 67% battery level again.

Please recommend me the solution. I assume I need to repeat the BMS calibration (discharge to 0% and recharge up to 100% without interruption). But maybe I missed something here.

Thanks in advance.

Hi , Can you tell us the SN number of your AC200MAX, the current BMS version, and your country? We will try to resolve this problem by upgrading the firmware. After upgrading, we suggest you calibrate the AC200MAX for better performance.

If I’m not mistaken,

  • SN: AC200M2560000049786
  • BMS: v1017.03
  • Country: Ukraine

Could you advise how to perform the calibration?

Hi , we found that your BMS is the latest one, so we suggest you calibrate the AC200MAX, The problem will be resolved.
Please follow the steps below:

  1. Please discharge all the power (charge AC & DC appliances with the power station till it is out of power and turns off automatically);
  2. Please charge it again, please do not load any device when charging it, and do not interrupt it while in charge.
  3. Once the power is 100% fully charged, turn off the machine, and leave it the whole day.
    Please let us know if it does help.
    If not, please contact us for further service.


I’m also have exact same problem with 67% on display after idle.

SN: AC200M2244002704131
BMS: v1017.03
Country: Ukraine

Problem was present on previous BMS version. I have updated today and issue did not resolve.

I did full discharge-charge cycle on the old version yesterday. Charging showed 100%. After few minutes turned off it was still 100% after turnin on again. But today, after 6 hours - it again shows 67%.

Then I updated the BMS, as I already mentioned - still 67%.

Then I connected EB70 to charge the AC200M while it shows 67% and discharging at 250W rate. After few minutes level increased to 68% and then immediately to 99% (I did not observed level all the time). It still on 99% and EB70 shows 60%.

Will try to recalibrate one more time and report back.

Update: AC200M show 100% while
EB70 still 60%.

Hi @NeotonNik

welcome to the bluetti community forum.

After the BMS update, did you do a full charging cycle to calibrate the AC200Max? If not, i would advise you to do it.



I did, but not immediately. I think that issue was solved, after charng to 100% from 67% while discharging. Details below.

After updating BMS I connected EB70 to charge AC200Max via 500W adapter (it was showing 67%). AC200Max was discharging at approximately 250W, because our apartment did not have electricity.

After AC200Max charged to 100% from EB70, while being discharged, I disconnected the charger.

AC200Max continued to discharge. At approximately 80% I disabled AC output and connected charger again, but this time to the power outlet. It again charged to 100%.

After few hours in disabled state, charge level was still 100%. So looks like the issue was already fixes.

Finally, when the power was out, AC200Max was discharged to 0% until automatical shut down. Then charged to 100% using single 500W adapter. It took approximately 4.5 hours.

Since then, AC200Max used as usual, and shows 100% when fully charged.

Will report back if problem happens again.


Good to hear! Wish you much fun with your AC200Max ;)

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