Have 2 AC 300’s with 2 B300’s each, Also have 6 PV 200’s. What’s the best way to utilize the 6 panels? Have read the manuals but still struggle with the best way to hook them up.
You need at least 18 more solar panels for the best way to charge them, they can handle 2400 watts per unit. but using what you have, I would put three in series per AC300 unit.
That’s a lot of panels, Thanks for the reply.
If you are not moving these around a lot, I suspect not since the AC300 and B300 are more of a relocatable rather than portable, I would suggest some normal full sized panels in the 320-350w range. They will cost less than portable panels and you can wire 3x in series for each MPPT input port.
Probably get 6 of those. Each AC300 will have 2 input MPPT. One will have 3x340, the other will have 3x of your existing PV200.
You won’t hit max, but will be respectable with just over 3000w or so of max sun power.