New firmware AC300

I recognize availability of new firmware for AC300 - regarding ARM and DSP.
ARM 4037.05 → 4037.07
DSP 4036.10 → 4036.30
What are new features and/or bugs fixed in these versions?

Regarding firmware update: do I need to interact with the AC300 system via touch display or can I drive the update 100% from bluetti app? Background of the question is that actually the display is malfunctioning - support is contacted for repair.

To apply the firmware, you have to access the AC300 only with the Bluetti app with Bluetooth. The system will continue to operate but you will lose communications, and must access by Bluetooth again. Then, if you are using it, access the AC300 by WiFi.

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@FrankH The ARM mainly solves the problem of the touch screen sometimes not being able to turn on the DC/AC, and it also added the “grid self-adapting” function (this is reflected in the APP);
The DSP optimized the charging strategy and added the grid self-adapting function.
And Raymond has already answered how you do firmware updates.

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