Naming conventions: AC, EB, P, L, MAX, S, etc

Is there a naming convention in the product lineup, apparat from what I take are the main families (EB & AC) ? Suffixes are particularly intriguing me: A, L, P, MAX, S.
Moreover, sometimes (AC60), the number indicates the inverter capacity. In others (AC70), it indicates the battery capacity.
Maybe it’s my guesswork that’s wrong… so please help me better “understand” what the products do just by reading their names :smile:

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Hi @Chrissie

First there are prduct series or families

EB Series: Like “Standard” Powertable Powerstation
AC Series: More Premium, more capacity and more features
EP Series: Mainly homestorage units, highend segment

The Suffixes you metionded are not really standard. At least for what i see. The are models like the AC200, who have many different versions for different operations. What exactly the differences are, i would check it for any unit individually.

Maybe @BLUETTI can correct me in this case. Something like a official document for the naming scheme.


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Thanks @Selfmadestrom :slight_smile:

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After confirming with relevant personnel, the prefix naming of the product line does not have a specific meaning.
EP generally represents large/home energy storage models, AC is the portable flagship model of BLUETTI, EB is the second-line model, and no products named with the EB will be released in the future. B is the prefix for battery packs.