Looking to pick up tool kit, recos?

Since new to solar I was planning to pick up MC4 connector wrench since anticipating i might not have the strength to connect/disconnect and just want to make it easier & not find myself trying to use pliers and potentially damage the connectors.

But trying to anticipate future tool requirements (things experienced solar users realize over time are indispensable) wondered if you all have recommendations for me to consider for my ‘solar support duffle bag’? So I can minimize piece meal over next months.

For now my solar is non-permanent, might have miss match panels (no might about it), primarily for home off grid emergency.

Thanks in advanced for your suggestions!

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I would recommend watching a few different videos on how to wire up MC4 cables and pick up this kit from BougeRV…


It’s always nice to have a few extra sets of the MC4 connectors around cause they can be finicky at times! Haha

Hobotech, Will Prowse, and RV with Tito, all have solid YouTube channels FULL of info which has become invaluable in my eyes!

Here’s a video for the mc4 connections which helped me also…

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@roxie60 And in regards to pairing up “mismatched” solar panels, Will Prowse did a nice quick video explaining the important info you should know when doing so…

Definitely has been a huge help for me.

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Thanks @m.briney I am working my way thru Will’s and HOBOTECHs videos. I appreciate you linking the vids you reco and found helpful.

Following, this! Great thought, @roxie60

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