Hello everyone!
Late, but not to late, i wanna join this contest with my AC300 setup. I prepare a video, to showcase how i integrate my AC300 + B300 Setup into my daily life. You can have a look here:
Its only a short video, about 5 minutes. Unfortunately its with a watermark, because my tool expired. Hope you still can enjoy it. In addition, i also have prepared a little article in english, when its hard for you to follow my english
What im using my AC300 for?
Poolpump + Heating
In the summer, my main usecase for the AC300 + B300 Combo is to “run” my pool. Better speaking the Sand-Poolpump and a Air-Water Heat Pump. Both of the devices are designed to run the whole day. The pumb to clean the water and provide waterflow for the heat pumb. The heat pumb is really efficent. It doesnt use a heating element to warm up the water. Instead it releases the “cold” from the water into the air and add the heat from the air to the water. That is way more efficient than a regular heater.
The Setup still use about 800 - 1000W. Easy to handle for the AC300s inverter. But still a lot of energy that get consumed over the day. So great to use free and clean Solarenergy for it!
Garden applications
My second usecase for the AC300 are garden applications like lawn mower, hedge trimmer or the power washer. Not only i save a lot of money by not using energy from the grid, i also can get rid of long extension corts. This way, its way more easy to work with my devices.
Emergency Power for the whole house
Time to shine! I install a transfer switch into my main panel to switch from grid power to emergency Power. Thanks to the massive inverter, i could run my whole house from the AC300. Because im limited to single phase over a standard EU-Plug, im not able to use devices that require 3 phase power like heating plate or the oven. Atleast the microwave works

Powering my trip to work
I buy recently a electric motorcycle to make shorter trips fully electric and powered by Bluetti. I pick it up at wednesday, so i cant show you pictures from it now. Here is a image that is provided from the internet, to give you an idea.
Its from BMW and called “CE02” for ranges about 100km per charge. It does have about 5 kwh of batterys onboard. As long the sun allow it, i will only charge it from Solarpower. The Charger for this bike charges with arounf 1500W. Again easy to handle for the AC300. The only thing im struggle with is the capacity of two B300 (around 6 kwh).
To fully charge the bike, the batterys needs to be full and i assume a little “fresh” solarenergy needs to be also added. Hoping to get anoter B300 in this contest, to have a little buffer for the bike.
May the best post be winning! I wish you guys good luck!
Thanks for reading