I cancelled both my EP500 Pros

Still gaining that intel… in the meantime just want to maximize my spend and gain best ROI. I certainly believe that Bluetti leads innovation and are superior to their competitors. If they stay on this path (EP or AC series) they will leap others like Superman over tall buildings​:muscle:t3::rofl:

Wow @SoulGen thats quite a line up💪🏼

I don’t think their nervous… I think they are very cool to offer the option of change at no penalty… ultimately sales are sales, and if they satisfy the customer base they win and so does the customer. All in all I feel good with Bluetti as a very reputable company… their “future growth” will leap frog everything we are discussing today… this industry is fast with innovation.

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Putter, you are 100% correctamundo on that. I am not a rep for Bluetti, I don’t get (or want) perks from them, I just believe in them and am a very happy customer of theirs. Probably 99% of the time, issues that people complain about are due to user error, not the product. Or what they purchased has been outdone by Bluetti’s latest innovation. Meanwhile, people get new $1000 cell phones all the time. I’m old enough to tell you I spent $6k on a custom built Pentium PC. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: And there wasn’t even internet yet. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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I just received a refund on one … I still have $4000 to be refunded. How do I stop that. I will save $320.00. I will write them. Thanks

Great how do I communicate with you directly. James
I received the refund on one EPpro500.
I cancelled the refund on the other EP500pro. Have $4100 credit at Bluetti.
I want to buy the AC500 and 2 B300 through you using the money. If amount is more I can pay with credit card.
Please reply asap.
Thank you for your help James

Just cancelled one of my Pro’s. Thinking hard about keep one PRO.

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Two Pros and a fusion box give you split phase, and the B300s can work with the Pros. I think you can add up to 2 B300s per Pro. Even just two B300s and two Pros would give you more kWh than a Tesla PowerWall for about $1200 less. And you can’t even get a PowerWall now unless you get the Tesla solar. The EP500Pros are sleek and elegant, and offer so much more than a PowerWall. And you can take them with you if you ever move. :smiley:

The reason I am trading my Pros for the AC300 and B300 is the weight and portability. Also with 5 B300 more wattage 12k vrs 10 m/l

Early into This
EP 500 pro vs ? In their Line Up
Eco Flow ?
Portable for Future or Generac built into house for Kids after we Pass age 70
How to Do more Research
The GOTCHAS in The Detail$