Exceeding all expectations! - 2*EP600+2*B500 Advanced Power Kit

:muscle: A 6000 W bi-directional inverter | 9.9 kWh Power Capacity
:zap: 7600 W output power for off-grid use
:+1: 12000W output power for on-grid use
:sun_with_face: 12000W Solar Input
:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Hassle-free modular design, no wall mounting needed
:shield: Enjoy a 10-year warranty and on-site installation service
:moneybag: Witness a significant reduction in your electricity bills – a true epitome of cost-efficiency

:partying_face:Get your 2* EP600+2* B500 at 11.998 € today
:star2:#BLUETTIEP600 – Elevating your home energy storage experience.:white_check_mark:

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Wait did i miss something? Didnt have the EP600 a 3 phase AC output with 6000W, single Phase 2000W. Is this a new generation?

Or did you nean you can reach 12000W when connecting two units?

I think so too … the performance can only be achieved if you pair two systems

Yes, two EP600 dual systems to get to 12000W :blush:

Ahh okay, thanks for clarify

gibt es eine Anleitung wie man 2xEP600 zusammen nutzt, bzw. installiert?

Sure, if you ask the support (via mail) you should get this info (picture is from this schema)

I assume that when you buy the complete set (2x EB600 + 2x B500), all the parts you need are included.
Or if you buy an additional EP600 (for a maximum of 2x B500!) you should ask for the necessary installation parts.

But if you want to use more then two B500 you cann’t use this schema, then you use the schema “grid parallel EP600”.