Can someone who owns the EB70S (not the EB70) tell me if on the back side of their unit, if it shows the model as EB70 or EB70S on the grey tag?
I purchased a couple EB70 units and the manual as well as the grey tag on the back shows it has the 800 watt inverter. I expected the EB70 to just have the 700 watt as shown on the Bluetti website. Just wondering.
EB70 non S has a 700w inverter. EB70S has a 800w inverter. The S model also has brighter indicator lights on the AC and DC on/off switch, but it is hard to tell without a side by side comparison.
Thank you both. Looks like they sent me the wrong units. I ordered the EB70 model but they sent two of the EB70S. I don’t have a use for the larger wattage inverter. It could be they no longer stock the EB70 and so they just now ship only the EB70S.
Well I understand what you are saying but if I order an item for a specific purpose, then that is what should be sent unless of course there is communication between the buyer and seller about the change. It is the “unknown” for me and that is the reason for the non-S model ordered instead of ordering the S model. I have never read anywhere within the documentation or in this community that the new 800 watt inverter has the same exact overhead that the 700 watt unit has when running. Do you know definitively that this is the case?
The AC200P I found out after I purchased it, that Bluetti informed me is NOT a good choice for someone who camps and uses the DC output intermittently. As in my fridge only runs 50% of the time. I lost to many watt hours from it just being turned on and no load. My EB70 when running my fridge works awesome. Without knowing for sure the difference between the 700 watt inverter overhead and the 800 watt inverter overhead, I just wanted the old 700 watt that I knew worked for me. Has nothing to do with being happy with getting something better that I did not pay extra for.
@SierraVanCampers id be interested in seeing what the efficiency difference is between the two units as well. As the EB70s does have a larger inverter, I totally understand your concerns.
Any way you could do a 100w DC load test (or any other constant current load) on it and see how many watt hours you pull from the EB70s?? I can then match your load number and try it out on my EB70 and we could get some comparisons.
After I received the two new EB70 units, I fully charged and then connected them to fairly small loads and let them run until the battery indicated it was very low. Here are the very unofficial tests. I will be doing another more accurate test soon.
First new unit, on DC only with a constant 37 watt load, ran for 13 hours. This, in my limited brain power, says it was about 477wh.
The 2nd unit fully charged and with an AC load of 61 watts constant, ran for 9 hours. This would indicate 549wh.
When I tested my original EB70 non S model, I ran my fridge (32 watt load running an “estimated” 50% of the time) for approx. 34 hours. This indicated 544wh, however, I stopped the test when I saw 20% remaining and on the new units I stopped the test when it showed no bars and the "low battery indicator came on. I suspect my older EB70 probably would have been closer to 626wh which I think is what some others have posted.
I realize all these numbers are just estimates and not the best testing methods. I am very happy with my EB70 units overall.
I tested both my S and non S units with inline watt meters and both got within a few percent of each other at around 600 wh for both AC and DC. I would guess the inverter overheads are about the same.
I purchased one of these Adjustable DC Load Testers off amazon a while back and have been having a blast with it checking out my units and seeing the actual numbers compared to whats advertised. Its nice to see raw figures and getting a real feel for what these units are capable of!
Again, Thanks for sharing man and please keep us updated when you do some of your “more accurate tests”!! As a numbers man myself, the more data, the better! haha
I just purchased the EB70S on Amazon. The tag on the back of the unit says EB70 and states 800w AC inverter. I’m fine with the the 800 watt power capability. However the large white adhesive backed tag on the inner layer box states EB70 and clearly that the battery is lithium ion and not lithium phosphate ( LifePO4) as the EB70S is definitely to be. Is the tag or tags wrong or did I not receive the model I ordered? I’m currently waiting customer service for a response on this.
The only difference is 800W (vs 700W) inverter, brighter LED and a display that stays on for longer. If you have a 800W inverter, you have the S model. The other difference are not obvious unless compared side by side.
LiFePO4 batteries is a type of Lithium Ion, sort of like lemon and orange are both citrius fruits. Both the EB70 and EB70S have LiFePO4 lithium ion batteries.