?EB70 with Instant Pot Duo Mini 3 qt. 700 watt/induction cooktop

I have recently received the EB 70, and have read that Instant Pot has a unit called the Duo Mini, at the 3 quart (smallest) size, rated at 700 watts. I have been hesitant to purchase the Instant Pot until I can get confirmation that the EB70 will successfully complete a full pressure cooker meal cycle without cutting out. I am hoping someone in here has this combo, and could advise me as to their experience.

I am also starting to consider a portable induction cooktop, and I see that many units have 10-15 temperature or wattage settings. From what I can glean on the internet, at 700 watts or below, one would likely only achieve a temperature of about 140-150 degrees F. Again, any experience with this combo as well would be helpful to me and potentially others considering the EB70.

Thanks in advance, Bluetti and the Community!

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I have no experience with running an instant pot with the 700 but can tell you it will capably handle 700 watts for an extended time. You will get approx. 45 to 50 minutes of run time with this load and you will be pushing it to the max. The real question is how long will the instant pot be running.


I wanted to report back…I went ahead and purchased the Instant Pot Duo Mini 3 quart, and this morning, did a pot of veges for “2 minutes” on pressure using a Kill-A-Watt type meter.
Tomorrow I plan on trying it again with the EB70.

For today’s test, the IP was pulling about 5.5A and 667 watts for just over 17 minutes, and once pressure was achieved, and the countdown timer began, no further power draw occurred. The total watts consumed recorded at 186 watt hours.

I will report again tomorrow on the EB70 draw, primarily in time and watts during operation, and battery percentage when completed, starting from a full battery.

Thought others might want to know.

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Thank you for the update. That sounds like the usage will work fine as long as you are good with the amount of run time that will give you.

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OK, so I could not stop myself…couldn’t wait till tomorrow.

Seven apples peeled, cored and sliced, for one minute (the two minute veges were a little too soft), using a fully charged EB70.

Results: 15 minutes with average wattage out shown as 565, occasionally up to 574. Again, no power draw once at pressure and counting down the one minute setting. At the end, 80% showing on the bar graph.

My figuring is this…565 watts x 15 minutes = 8475 watt minutes or 33900 watt minutes (if it had run for one hour), then divided by 60 minutes equals 565 watt hours being consumed if it had run for one hour, or 141.25 watt hours consumed by the 15 minute cook time.

I hope my math is right…can’t exactly figure out why the Kill-A_Watt wattage is about 100 watts more?!? Any thoughts? I more or less figured that there would be some inverter loss or consumption going on, but this is sort of opposite!

By the way, don’t make my mistake of putting the sugar and cinnamon in with the apples, as when I released the pressure, it was a veritable fountain of sugar water spray to have to clean up, sticky mess. Likely better to add those later.

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There will be approx. 15 to 20% inverter loss by converting the 12 VDC to 120 VAC power. I have several makes and models of sogens and the meters should be used as “guides” and not counted on for the accuracy of a true volt meter. Overall, looks like a success for you!

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It works, I use it and have no issues with it.

I purchased the EB70 specifically to run a 3 QT Instant Pot :grinning: and it works well for that purpose. I have a REED R5090 power meter and I see the same thing you are seeing - the power draw display on the EB70 reads about 10% lower than the R5090. Which is exactly the opposite of what I expected (I was expecting it to be 10% higher).