So much guesswork. If I understand this thread correctly, I can over panel with 440 watt panels in a 2S2P configuration where the VOC is 49.9V and the Isc is 11.33A.
@ -4 degrees Fahrenheit (rare in my area) I will be pushing 56.41 VOC and10.50 Isc giving me 112.82V at 21A and so long as I’ve inline fused the positive parallel connectors with a 15A fuse, 125% of 12A even though my panels are 20A max fuse rated, everything is fine. I can expect 1500 Watts at 65 degrees Celsius surface temperature at optimum sun position and draw the 1200 Watt max on my AC300 for a significant number of daylight hours.
Then duplicate the array for the other input for a total of 8 panels and cost of $2914.52 after taxes, excluding ground mounts, cabling, connectors and fuses.
Just want to make sure before I spend that money.