Connecting AC500 & B300S to the home grid (Germany)

Hi everybody and greetings from Germany. I’m planning to hook up a AC500 & B300S to my home grid to prepare for power outages that are bound to happen this winter. I have a solar roof (AC output only). Has anyone tried this before, using the USV functionality, and what sort of additional hardware do I need? Many thanks.

I am currently planning to do the same with an AC300.

This is my idea:

I want an electrician to install an emergency power switch (EATON UMSCHALTER, T0, 20 A) and then feed with a CEE plug with the L1 bridged to l2, l3.

Power devices that require three phases must then be switched off before.

I’m also from Germany and have an AC200Max + B230 up and running. I charge it from the solar roof when there is power left controlled by suny homew manger and two switchable plugs.
I installed with a 2 way relay an automatic switch between main power and Bluetti together with a 220V monitoring unit. You need to switch neutral as well, as the Bluetti is a kind of isle supply. You loads must be complete disconnected from the main when you power it from Bluetti. I would also put additional a 10A fuse between Bluetti and your load, just to be sure.
You need to be a electrian to be be able to install it in Germany, there is no ready to use solution.


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German Youtuber “Proofwood” has some great tutorials explaining the AC300-to-home grid connection.
You probably know that only a certified electrician is officially allowed to make the install…
Let’s hope for the best this winter! :cold_face:

Proofwood is good, but questions still remain. I’m pondering whether interested members of the Bluetti community could collaborate to hire an electrician to create a sample wiring diagram, complete with materials list and installation instructions, for specific scenarios (e.g., AC500 for backup power, AC500 as a buffer battery for an AC-managed PV system, an AC500 that does both). That would make things easier for my local electrician, who may not have the experience.

I made a plan with three SB225 hager switches and a FI Schalter. I could not find yet an electrician. I understand though that it needs to be registered with the Marktstammdatenregister. This though requires an electrician so I really need to find one.

Hinweise zur Registrierungspflicht im Marktstammdatenregister für Notstromaggregate und Unterbrechungsfreie Stromversorgungssysteme (USV) und


MÜSSEN alle PV-Speicherbatteriesysteme im Marktstammdatenregister registriert werden, wenn sie an einem festen Ort verwendet werden und an das Hausnetz angeschlossen, unabhängig davon, ob Sie Schalter haben, um eine direkte Einspeisung in das Netz zu verhindern.

You need to be sure to switch Load and Neutral and keep them isolated from your house grid, otherwise the Bluetti will eventually give you issues since the neutral and load can change polarization. At least that is my understanding.

Here is a basic diagram I made.

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I let install my EP500Pro like Proofwood shows in on of there video.

Got this switch:

The EP500 doenst have any fancy outputs, to the electrian just connect a SchuKo plug to this switch. When ever i want to switch to EP500, i just need to plug in the plug into the inverter of the bluetti and switch to emergency Power.

Simple and effectiv

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Bluetti recommended the Hager SB225 switches which do basically the same, but for individual house circuits. I am looking where I found this recommendation. I used to follow Proofwood YouTube advice. I stopped after having to return two AC300‘s