Can we see how much solar energy an EB3A has produced?

Inspired by this post by Henry @hnymann: Big Milestone for me: 1 Million watt-hours of solar energy produced!, I was wondering how much solar energy my Bluetti has generated so far. However, on the EB3A app I don’t seem to have these stats ( I think it’s not part of the app :sob: ).

Would anyone know of a handy way to measure this and keep track? I could kind of guestimate it and put it in a spreadsheet each day, but I’m sure I’ll forget and it’s also not so accurate probably. Just wondering …

@Dvaer Usually, this feature can be seen on models like AC300/AC500 or the home energy storage EP series. These models have larger capacity and higher data accuracy.
However, compared to the aforementioned models, the capacity of EB3A and other portable models is too small. Additionally, this feature is not very meaningful and the data sampling accuracy is not precise.

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