Calibrate or reset EB70

My Bluetti EB70 believes that it’s almost empty while actually having more than 50% left and then it keeps working for 3-4 hours while displaying a low battery warning.

Obviously it needs to be somehow calibrated, but since the battery believes it’s empty - it’ll turn off the light, the USB and AC outputs.

Is there any way to fully discharge the battery in order to calibrate it or maybe reset the power management system?

Hi @in_sympathy
when the outputs turn off, its “completly” empty. The BMS keep around 10% left in the batterie to avoid deep discharge. To calibrate, discharge the Unit until it turned off and charge it without any breaks to 100% until the AC Adapter stops charging. Do this two times should fix any SoC related errors.


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Hi, thanks, that’s what I did - but once for now. I’ll repeat the process if needed :raised_hands:t2: