Bluetti Wind Turbine?! - AC300

Hey everyone,
just read the manual of AC300 and there is one point that caught my attention.

Recharge via Bluetti Wind Turbine?

Is there something i missing or is it just me understanding something wrong?

Maybe someone have some input for me :slight_smile:


I guess they were planned at the time this manual was written but have not (yet) been finalized to a product that is available to consumers. I also do not see any at their business sale site at Alibaba. (Shenzhen Poweroak Newener Co., Ltd.)

Seems like, would be kinda interesting to implement such a feature in my opinion

@Selfmadestrom The new manual of AC300 has removed this content. This charging method has not been developed or tested. You can try it if you have a Wind Turbine Charge Controller, otherwise it is not recommended.

Ahh okay, good to know^^

I would not waste money on wind turbines, but hey, it’s your money.
What they promise in the specs doesn’t show up in the real world.
Breakdowns and noise are the two biggest complaints. If you live in a quiet neighborhood you’re sure to get complaints from neighbors trying to sleep. If you live in an HOA area, constant nonstop noise, day or night, is forbidden.

Yeah i know, Solar is far more reliable with less problems. Was just wondering that a Bluetti Wind Turbine was mentioned in this manual and i never heard before from it.