Bluetti Powerstation Idle consumption and efficiency

Good evening!

since it get asked a lot in the forum, i found a table on facebook which shows the selfconsumption and efficiency of different Units. Hope you enjoy!



Thank you Erik, that’s a very handy table. Could I just check I interpret it correctly?

So the way I read it, if on the EB3A for example I have power on and AC and DC on, the unit itself consumes 13W. So if I connect a DC load of 10W and an AC load of 20W, the total consumption would be 13W + 10W + 20W = 43W. Do I interpret that right?

And in the above example, what would the output display show? Would that be 30W (so not including the unit’s own consumption)? Or would it display the unit’s actual total consumption of 43W?


Hi @Dvaer

yes, you add your drain + the selfconsumption. So your math is correct. I think the EB3A doesnt show its selfconsumption. The wattage that shows on the display on the EB3A are not the real meassured value, they just messure how much amps you draw and multiply it with 120V oder 230V.


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@Dvaer Yes, @Selfmadestrom Erik is correct, the bluetti units will not take into account the “idle consumption” in regards to what output wattage is being displayed on the units screens and/or with the app. However I do believe the BMS within the units will take these rough idle consumption figures into account when displaying the estimated time remaining. (Which I have noticed to be getting more and more accurate which is awesome! :slight_smile: )


Great to know @m.briney Mike and @Selfmadestrom Erik :smiley:

And for efficiency, does that relate to how much you can get our of a unit, based on what you put in? So for example in the case of the EB3A, if I put in 100W, with 85% efficiency, I could get 85W out of it?

As far as i understand you absolutely right! @Dvaer

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@Dvaer you’re on the right track haha but yea I was referring more towards overall efficiency of the unit in regards to how many watt hours you will be able to pull from the unit. The idle consumption of the unit comes from the internal bells and whistles that draw power just remaining in an “on” state. Then there is the inverter efficiency numbers, which come from how much power is lost due to the unit changing and regulating the voltage.

Heres some nice little graphs that one of our members did up showing the EB3A…