bluetti power station box

Do we need to keep the bluetti branded box that our power stations came in the mail in? E.g. for warranty purposes, etc.


Yee @sacrilegious you need to keep the boxes if there is ever any need to send the unit back.

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TL;DR: Keep the box and foam.

I highly recommend to keep the boxes whenever you can. These power stations and batteries are very heavy and need extreme protection to protect them from the rough handling by shipping companies. If you return your items for repair or warranty without the original box then it is YOUR responsibility to get it back to your seller without damage. So if you do not have the box you may have to bring the unit back yourself. Or get it professionally boxed/crated up with very thick foam protection at all sides without any possibility that the unit bounces around. With the original packaging, the unit may survive a small drop as seen in this video:

According to EU consumer law, Bluetti (Or your third party seller) may not deny you warranty purely because you do not have the original box. But they have all the right to deny you warranty when the unit arrives damaged because you failed to protect it properly for shipping. Outside of the EU, law may be different.

So, keep the box whenever you can. If it is too big and you have a small home that is already full, check if you can find someone willing to store it for you.

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I just purchased a Elite 200v2. I live full-time in my van ,so keeping the box is not an option. Any suggestions?

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@dcnomad Rocky, If you have no one you can ask to store the box for you and dispose of it, your only option for a Warranty return, is to pack your power station in a similar manner to the box it came in. i.e. a good strength cardboard box with foam padding between it and the power station to prevent it moving in the box and give space for possible accidental intrusion. Also mark it with warnings such as; “This way up”, along with other warnings such as its weight. Also, not mentioned in anything I’ve seen is; When Bluetti ship power stations they are at 50-60% charged for shipment safety. Should you need to return one, if it turns on, deplete the battery to a similar level, unless that is part of the problem. :slight_smile:

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