Black Friday Mystery Box - only 1 Item

Myself and at least one other bought a mystery box in the Black Friday sale.

We were promised 1 high value item, and 1 low value item.

We both received the high value item, but neither have received the low value item.

Can someone from Bluetti please look into this.

Thank you.

Hi @Dalders , Can you share us the relevant screenshots, your order number and the product you received?
Thank you for your cooperation

Hi, thanks for replying.

My order number was SPF-UK-4194. I received an AC50S (for which I’m not complaining, it was very good value).

Unfortunately, I don’t have any screenshots, as I wasn’t expecting any issues, but there are some people in the Bluetti facebook group asking about it (me included), and also this forum:

Although that link is for the US website, and I’m in the UK, the wording in the terms was similar but not identical to this, indicating that you get two products, one is high value (which I got), and the other is a low value item:

" The Limited Box will include two (2) random products, a low value product, and a high value product.
The high-value product will be delivered as a mystery product and would not show the item name while checking out, which will be randomly selected from [AC100, AC50S portable power station and Power banks with at least 500Wh battery capacity and 230V AC output ]."

I’m sure there are others on this forum, who also saw the mystery box, and could back me up.

Hi @Dalders , thank you for the order number provided. We checked with support for you and they said that the terms were not worded correctly, we are very sorry.
If you are still not satisfied, you can contact our order support via for further resolution.
Thank you again for your support and understanding!