B300 Error 098 BMS Overvoltage

Hello everyone,

I have a problem with the B300. It worked fine for 1 year. It can no longer load properly. Charging via AC300 causes a charging stop after a few minutes (approx. 4-10min) with error 098 BMS Overvoltage.
A direct charge with T500 is aborted after 4-10 minutes, but without an error message.

Ideas as to what it could be?

Thanks :upside_down_face:

Did you try charging it with the T500 when it was disconnected from the AC300? If it charges OK disconnected then your problem might be in the cable or the AC300. The reason I ask is that I had a cable go bad on my AC500/B300 after about a year which caused all sorts charging/shut down issues. It ended up being one of the small communication wires in the cable had a much higher ohm reading than the others. Changing out the cable fixed the issue.

The error also occurs when I plug the T500 alone into the B300, after 4-10 minutes charging time (only 230V AC) the charging switches off and the B300 stops.
I also tried another charging cable from AC300 to B300. The other two slots were also tried. If I increase the charging current in the AC300, e.g. to 3A, then the B300 switches off faster.

Vielleicht zu trivial…aber hast du den Akku mal komplett entladen und wieder geladen?
Sind mehrere B300 an der AC500?

Maybe too trivial…but have you ever completely discharged the battery and charged it again?
Are there several B300s on the AC500?

I had already tried, no success. Yesterday I received a note from bluetti sales for an update of the BMS, from v1021.06 to v1021.07.
Now it comes, the battery charge was previously at 60% and after the update it was 100%!!
I’ll keep watching it and load it again later when the sun is shining, at the moment I’m back to 55%

Well, unfortunately it was too early to rejoice. 6 minutes charged at least with approx. 500W and the battery jumped from 55% to 100% and switched off the charge. Very strange.

Now I will try to discharge the battery to 0% and then charge it again to 100%. Hopefully it will work then. :thinking:

@Warm-und-Kalt It may be helpful to upgrade the firmware version of B300 to the latest version and do a full cycle of charge and discharge.

Update has been made, see text above. Now I charge with a meter and discharge with a meter.
More information to follow.

@BLUETTI_CARE An update was made today from v1021.06 to v1021.07. Then completely discharged, then charged from the Grid. Charging quantity up to 100% approx. 0.6 kWh. So little energy was loaded into the battery.
Discharged again to 0% (always with a measuring device), energy removed approx. 0.5 kWh.
The discharge starts at 100%, slowly goes down to approx. 80%, then within 3 minutes down to 1%, stays there for approx. 3 minutes and then goes to zero %
That looks unusual to me.
please help

My question was whether you have several B300s connected to the AC500.
Please only calibrate the one battery that is causing problems (discharging to 0% and charging to 100%).
If that doesn’t work, the battery is defective.

Meine Frage war, ob du mehrere B300 an der AC500 angeschlossen hast.
Bitte kalibriere nur den einen Akku, der Probleme macht (entladen auf 0% und laden auf 100%).
Wenn das nicht arbeitet, ist der Akku defekt.

I disconnected all other batteries and just updated the BMS
(from the problem battery) to v1021.07. Now it gets strange, the battery charge was at 60% before the update and after the update it was 100%!!
I’ll keep watching and reload later, right now I’m back to 55% (discharged a bit).

Start the charging process with AC power from the Grid, charged for 6 minutes with approx. 600W (3A) and the battery jumped from 55% to 100% and switched off the charging. Very strange.

Now I will try to discharge the battery to 0% and then charge it back to 100%. Hopefully it will work then.

Completely discharged, then charged with 230V from the Grid. Charging quantity up to 100% approx. 0.6 kWh. Unfortunately, so little energy was only loaded into the battery.

The discharge (about 1.5 kW) starts at 100%, slowly goes to about 80%, then within 3 minutes to 1%, stays there for about 3 minutes and then to 0%
Discharge, discharged again to 0% (always with a measuring device), the energy content unfortunately only approx. 0.5 kWh.

This looks unusual to me.

The battery is also no longer capable of carrying a load when I switch on an electric heater with 500W, no problem, as soon as I switch to 1kW or 1.5 kW, the AC300 switches off immediately, without an error message.
When I add a second b300, the fan runs at 2kW.

I would like to ask you to suggest a solution.

This morning the battery was charged to 100% again, with the fan heater switched on at 1kW, the system runs for 1 minute then error 016 Input Voltage low

After upgrading the BMS firmware, recalibrating the SOC is required.

  1. What is the ambient temperature?
  2. Please connect the AC300 to the B300 that is suspected to have a problem only, discharge it to 0%, and then charge it to 100%. During the charging process, kindly note that no equipment is loaded. Then load a heavy load and discharge it to 0%. Let’s see how long it takes to discharge to 0%.

The ambient temperature in my office is 20°C. The battery has now been charged 4 times to 100% and then discharged with a 1 kW fan heater. The battery is empty after 30 minutes.
Energy content 0.5kWh.

The ambient temperature in my office is 20°C. The battery has now been charged 4 times to 100% and then discharged with a 1 kW fan heater. The battery is empty after 30 minutes.
Energy content 0.5kWh.

is version v1021.07. the current one or is there another one? I have problems with this battery B300.
I have already discharged 5 times to 0% and then load back to 100%.

Why doesn’t Bluetti help me, the battery is only 1 year old.

@Warm-und-Kalt There seems to be no problem with the battery in terms of battery voltage. If the battery cycle can’t solve the problem, you can contact the after-sale service to replace this battery to test.

Just phoned German support, a very friendly conversation. The battery will be picked up in the next few days.

Thanks for the support

@Warm-und-Kalt Thanks for your update. Hope the problem can be solved ASAP.