App Display Percentage Descrepancy

Why does the percentage displayed not match the percentage charge show after you select the AC300? Look at the AC300 The Flannel Moose in my list of AC300s where it shows 79%. After I select it, it shows 76% which is the correct average between the two BS300s state of charge. Why this descrepancy?

Hi @ronsmithmd , The battery SOC problem please pay attention to the program upgrade in APP in a few days, our after-sales engineer team will solve it as soon as possible.

Is this part of the problem with the individual battery SOC descrepancies too? This is what I am seeing this morning also on my AC300 +2BMS300s:

Hi @ronsmithmd , Technical engineering dept said that the problem of SOC discrepancy shown on APP has been solved. Please upgrade your firmware and APP to the latest version. Thank you very much!

I upgraded the iOS app, but there was no firmware upgrade for the batteries yet. Is that coming still?