AC500 & B300S

Hello All,
Have a question regarding PV charging of above.
There appears to be a minimum charging input set at approx 150-180w.

Could anyone please confirm.

Is this to somehow protect the batteries and/or inverter ??

If this is not a safety issue, would there be a way to lower that limit via settings ??

Thx in advance

I’ve seen mine as low as 10-15 watts early morning/late evening but that’s because I have a number of panels in series so the voltage is still at 80-90 at that time of day. If your voltage drops below 12 you won’t get any wattage.

Sorry maybe I wasn’t being clear. I’m getting wattage from panels, but if the wattage is below a certain amount (approx 150w) my batteries are indicating standby and not charging.
Is this something that can be adjusted down or is that some kind of safety/self preservation fixed setting?

Interesting, those watts have to be going somewhere so I checked mine this morning when the wattage was low (about 50w combined) to see if I could replicate your findings. I turned the inverters off since they probably suck up quite a bit of juice and saw that the batteries were charging (blinking lights) but the BMS said standby as you have noted. I’m guessing the batteries are actually charging but the BMS is displaying inaccurate info.

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