It happened now two times that batteries switched off - on their own!
The first time was when I updated the BMS of all batteries to v1022,14,
drained them to 0% and following, charged them to 100%.
Then, my adjustment over night was: charging from grid OFF, AC OFF.
Next morning I noticed that one of the batteries was switched off.
The second time at the beginning of the night the overall SOC was ca. 45%.
During the night the adjustment was the same: grid OFF, AC OFF.
The following morning I found five of six batteries switched off!
What is going on?
A bug in the new BMS version?
Sorry for late reply due to new year holidays, please follow these steps to troubleshoot:
Has the machine been properly charged or loaded with devices, and has the ECO mode been turned on?
If the machine turns on the ECO mode without carrying devices or power is too small, after four hours will automatically turn off the AC, DC, and then after a period of time the machine will automatically shut down!
If the machine is only charged by PV and no AC or DC is turned on, the PV will stop charging in the evening, and the machine will automatically shut down after four hours, and the machine will be automatically activated only when the PV is charged in the morning of the next day.
Can you check if there are any error codes in the Alarm history screen in the product info?
@digait The tech team wants to confirm with you:
The system didn’t shut down after the battery pack shut down, right? Did the battery pack shut down because it ran out of power? Or does it still have power after reboot?
Will this be the case before upgrading to the new BMS version? Can you provide the SN of AC500?
The tech team would like to try to roll back to the previous BMS version for you to see if things improve. The firmware will be pushed to the AC500 within 24 hours, so please operate and observe at that time.
As I told you, I have now - and will have in future - AC continously ON (24h a day).
Thus, there won’t be the constellation during which the shut off happened.
This means I cannot test it and tell you whether there will be an improvement.
If there will be a shut off while AC is ON, I will inform you.