AC200MAX - loss of charge after being turned off for 4 days

Hi There,
I have an AC200MAX with two B300 batteries which have been running happily for nearly 12 months. Before going away for 4 days, I disconnected all the AC output loads and turned off the unit by holding in the green switch which also turned off the external batteries. The overall state of charge was about 70% with the three batteries clustering close to this figure.
When I got home and turned on the AC200MAX (and the external batteries) the overall state of charge was 45% with the AC200Max (Battery 1) reporting a zero SOC. The other two batteries had retained their SOC. As soon as I started charging via AC inputs, Battery 1 started charging along with the other 2 to 100% with no problems while also supplying AC power to the household. No Alarm messages reported.
I did a full discharge/recharge cycle 3 months or so back. Should I do this again ? - and would there be a real risk of damage occurring if, say, I had been away for a month. Any change of procedure recommended for medium -long term storage ?
Thanks & regards,


I would recommend opening the app and checking all the equipment to verify that it is indeed off and not in standby. I have put away small units several times thinking they were off only to find out they were still on and I was able to see this in the app.

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Thanks Scott,
Good point. I noticed there is actually a red power button on the APP when you connect to the AC200MAX. When I get a chance (so not to disrupt the household), I’ll use the App to do a shutdown - ie turn off AC and then hit the power button and see what happens. Presumably, the unit would not be accessible to the App once it is shutdown. Is it necessary to disconnect the external battery cables for long term storage ?

@jphoward Please provide me with the SN and the firmware version of your AC200MAX. There is a firmware version that makes the battery pack discharge more balanced. For storage tips, you can follow the advice @Scott-Benson mentioned.

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SN: 2302000363939

ARM: V4008.05
DSP: V4005.07 (the App says V4005.08 is available)
BMS: V1017.02 (The App says V1017.03 is available)


@jphoward I suggest you upgrade to the latest BMS version and do a complete charge and discharge test.

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I assume that the latest BMS V1017.03 file has been downloaded to my phone (Android 10 running Bluetti App V2.2.7) and all I need to do is:

  1. Disconnect all AC & DC loads & Inputs.
  2. Open the Bluetti App and connect to the AC200MAX device and turn off AC & DC outputs. Make sure the phone is placed next to the device and there is a stable Bluetooth connection.
  3. Click on the Settings (cog icon) and select Upgrade.
  4. Click on the Upgrade button next to BMS.

After the process finishes, do I need to shutdown and restart the unit - or does that happen automatically as part of the Firmware Upgrade ?
Finally - can you confirm that people are now frequently doing these upgrades on the AC200MAX without any dramas ?


One more question. Should I disconnect the two B300 batteries before upgrading the AC200MAX ?

Thanks - Jeff.

@jphoward Please disconnect the two B300 batteries before upgrading the AC200MAX. After the process finishes, you don’t need to shutdown and restart the unit. And yes it happen automatically as part of the Firmware Upgrade. Most customers have tried firmware upgrades without any problems. Please ensure that your network communication is normal during the firmware upgrade process.

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Thanks @BLUETTI_CARE for the prompt reply.


BMS Firmware Upgrade completed with no problems (to 1017.05). Already can see that SOC for Battery 1 (AC200MAX) is now being kept closer to the SOC of the 2 B300 batteries.
Thanks & regards,


please send the update 1017.05 for my Box

AC200MAX SN: 2226000689171


@jockel66 OK. Is your machine also the European version?

yes, European version.

@jockel66 Sorry for my late reply. The firmware will be sent in 12 hours.

Hi there,
Just a brief note to report that since the v1017.05 firmware upgrade for my AC200MAX back in March, I have turned it and the 2 B300 extension batteries off for over 30 days whilst overseas - and no battery power was lost when I returned home.

The procedure I followed was:

  1. Disconnect all AC and DC inputs & outputs. Then turn off DC and AC on the AC200MAX.
  2. From the phone app - turn off the AC200MAX using the red power icon. That turned off the B300 batteries as well.
  3. Disconnect the B300 batteries from the AC200MAX. This step is probably not needed, but I did it for completeness.
  4. After being powered down, close the Bluetti Phone App. Make sure you can’t reconnect to AC200MAX.
