Since I’m never able to get someone on the phone and your voicemail is full, I thought I’d come here to ask an inventory question.
Your home page says AC200MAX is back in stock, but the product page says 6-8 weeks to ship. Can someone please clarify as your messaging doesn’t make sense.
I ordered an AC200MAX last night when it went on sale again based on the home page message that says back in stock.
Is the item available to ship or is it months out?
I would suggest contacting the sales / shipping e-mail address for a specific question like this. I would love to assist but have no information regarding inventory. In your e-mail make sure to include the country your are asking about.
I have messaged them via their email as you suggested.
It is very concerning spending this kind of money with a new company when they won’t even pick up their phone. I’ll wait a couple of days to see if I get a reply and if I do not I may just contact my CC company for a stop payment.
Hey Larry, yea like Scott recommended above, I’d email them and give them a couple days. I’m sure they are getting BOMBARDED right now with that huge sale going on but rest assured, @BLUETTI will get back with ya and you won’t be disappointed man. I have the AC200 and wish I had the funds to pick up one of the AC200Max units cause that RV plug and expansion ports look amazing.