AC200L: PV relay click

I think the DSP v2130.10 is not publicly released or pushed to all devices but only the ones who posted their serial number and asked for it. That would explain why some people don’t see upgrades.
v2130.10 does not seem to solve the problem though, only make it a little better with less switching.
The other thread is over here.

I have noticed a similar issue with my AC200L. Around 5AM when the sun starts coming up and around 9PM when the sun sets, there is a repeated clicking noise from the AC200L. This lasts for a few minutes (maybe 5 minutes at most) with a click about every 3 to 6 seconds.

@BLUETTI_CARE Can you push the DSP firmware update to me?

Also, I don’t know how adjustable the parameters are for this firmware update, but it would be nice if the PV relay could click on once it detects a suitable voltage, then stay on for maybe about 5 minutes even if a low voltage / power input is detected. That way, I think the relay would only have to click on once in the morning and click off once at night, extending its lifespan.

Otherwise, I think what is happening right now is that the MPPT controller turns on with a relay click, starts pulling power from the PV array, which drops the PV voltage below a threshold, which causes the MPPT controller to switch back off and the cycle repeats.

IOT: v9041.06
ARM: v2134.04
DSP: v2098.10
BMS: v1043.11
S/N: AC200L2352000774061

@Craig1 I share your view that oscillation around a threshold voltage is at the heart of the issue here. I never did get a response from @BLUETTI_CARE, and I suspect that a firmware upgrade isn’t going to be able to solve this without unwanted side-effects. So I went ahead and put together a DIY fix with a DC DC relay. The control circuit uses a 5V USB cable connection, powered by a Switchbot smart plug. The Switchbot smart plug can be programmed to turn off or on according to a schedule, so you can isolate the panels from your Bluetti unit after sunset and avoid the relay flip-flop. You’ve the added bonus of being able to remotely cut/restart PV input, if like me you’re concerned about the 99%-100% cycling behaviour that occurs after fully charging the unit.

Note to @BLUETTI_CARE: remote, programmable control of the DC input would surely be a popular feature in future models. Allowing people to set up 40%-80% charging cycles, for instance, or to cut a PV connection during a thunderstorm. As far as I’m aware, you’d have a lead on the competition too.