Ac200 Max issue with holding charge

I am having the same issue with jumping charge from 100% to 84%. Driving me crazy for the amount i paid for this product. Has anybody found a solution to this problem?

Has anybody found a fix for this issue as I am experiencing the same problem?

There can be two separate issues. First is that the internal electronics have quite a significant parasitic power drain. That means that when the unit is turned on, even with AC and DC output turned off, it will lose charge quite significantly. There is not much you can do about this as end user, because it is a limitation of the design. If you don’t want any idle power drain, turn the unit off when it is fully charged. Then it will keep it’s charge for many weeks.

A different problem is that the battery meter or SoC indicator can be off. This can be quite easily be solved by the end-user by calibrating the battery meter. Youtuber WaveformScience has an excellent explanation video about what this is and how you can do it.

2 Kwh are about 60cent…poor Boy